Meta-Communities: NFTs, DAOs & Web3

NFTs? DAOs? Web3? All these areas are thriving off of stellar community-building, and it’s only getting more prominent.

George Siosi Samuels
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2022


An icon of 90s cinema: the red and blue 3D glasses. Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

Despite the hype, a lot of what we’re seeing unfold in NFTs, DAOs, and Web3 will remain. In what form? That still remains to be seen.

However, just like 3D glasses were hot for a minute in the 90s, NFTs, DAOs, and the like may follow the same fate. That’s not to say that elements contained therein (e.g. immutable data storage, tokenization, blockchain) won’t be here 10–20 years from now. But like all fads, the buzzwords have their expiration date.

If you look under the hood, you can see which areas may last based on the amount of money being poured in by larger, established players (not just Venture Capitalists).

Companies like Meta (previously Facebook) invested upwards of $10 billion in 2021 alone, specifically in areas like the metaverse, which leverages technologies found in blockchain, crypto, Web3, etc.

And so while people have started thinking more consciously about how to build “Web3 communities”, I think there’s a growing case for meta-communities, which can encompass all the current hot buzzwords, without being susceptible to changing fads.

Why meta-communities? Well, ignoring Facebook’s company name for a bit, meta-communities can help us dive deeper into how communities are forming for the emerging metaverse (that truly “meta” level). This takes us beyond just the study of communities online, but ideally help us understand how future communities and their members will:

1️⃣ Move fluidly between online and offline realms (e.g. AR/VR/Mixed Reality)

2️⃣ Own more of their own data without sacrificing privacy, and

3️⃣ Create new economies (e.g. through micro or nano-payments)

And it is for this reason that we are testing out a new program called the Meta-Community Micro-Accelerator (or MCMA), which has been receiving great reviews, starting March 28th.

Check it out 👉

Overall, we hope to see more people dive into this overlapping section of communities and technology. “Communities” are becoming the default for business success today. So those who know how to build them, will have a distinct advantage in the coming decade or two.



George Siosi Samuels
Editor for

Culture-tech innovator | 3x founder & Managing Director @ Faiā | Micropreneur advocate | Scaling tech communities for 10+ years | Student of ancient wisdoms