The Correlation Between Bitcoin, Social Networks & “Sense of Community”

George Siosi Samuels


Photo by Alina Grubnyak on Unsplash

In the first half of 2019, a prolific developer by the name of _unwriter released the world’s first native Bitcoin web browser called Bottle. It can provide a hint of what’s to come in the BitcoinSV ecosystem, if we can rethink how we build applications on a new type of data plumbing system.

On the landing page, it (going to use “it” because we don’t know whether the developer is a man, woman or group) responds to the question “Why a standalone browser instead of building as an extension for existing browsers, or waiting for mainstream browser support?” with the below statement:

Many things we take for granted in the old “web browsing” experience — including the security model — no longer apply in the new world of Bitcoin. The thing is, Bitcoin is NOT “the next web”. In many ways it’s completely opposite of what the WWW is, which is why Bitcoin is so powerful.

That’s why it’s more beneficial to start from scratch instead of forking an existing full-fledged browser built for the existing WWW, with many legacy features that can constrain future directions. We can create a new user interaction model optimized for the new Bitcoin world order.




George Siosi Samuels

Culture-tech innovator | 3x founder & Managing Director @ Faiā | Micropreneur advocate | Scaling tech communities for 10+ years | Student of ancient wisdoms