
Failing Creative Writing Courses
3 min readFeb 2, 2015

Gary is wheeled over by a very stylish and classic looking woman who, in her later years has given up her acting career to pursue a more meaningful life in volunteer work.

Gary has taken all of his medication today
Gary doesn’t really know what’s going on.

The very stylish woman brings him over to a nice group of other in-patients to play a game.

It’s good for the mentally ill to play games.

There are five in the group including Gary. Gary, the man to his left who is very energetic, next to him, the stylish volunteer, then the kind woman and then the psychotic little man to HER left, Gary’s right, completing the circle.

After placing her self elegantly on the edge of her chair and lighting up a vogue cigarette, the volunteer lady suggests a game of guess who. She removes her hat with its over sized brim and places it on the table with all too much grace, crosses her legs, then her arms over the top before rising again with a dancers energy to distribute cards to each of the players.

Gary has Michael Jackson.
It’s Gary’s turn to ask questions.
Gary stares at the wall.

The stylish volunteer moves Gary’s wheel chair to face the group better.

Gary stares at the floor.

Never one to be perturbed the volunteer makes a suggestion:

Why don’t we all think of helpful hints that we can tell Gary so that he can start guessing. We’ll all take turns to think of a clue.

She is very chipper.


explodes the man to Gary’s left.

Well the clues are all rather elementary I’m afraid. If we deduct the possibility of the head band having committed the murder we are left with only one alternative: Gary did it.

Once finished with his rather energetic explosion the man went back to stuffing his imaginary pipe and muttering about getting more opium. If Gary were not so drugged up he might have commented that the man had a very stiff way about him. He might even have remarked that his back looked far to straight. And that, if you saw him walking, which Gary would have if he was not so good at taking his medication, that the man tended to strut around like a rooster talking all the time to his imaginary friend as though this imaginary friend were all at once both stupid and wildly clever.

That’s lovely.

Says the stylish volunteer in her little black dress.

Why doesn’t someone else have a turn? How about you?

As she says this she gestures to the woman sat to her left. Gary would have liked this woman. Such a kind woman and oh to hear her sing.

Oh me? Oh I don’t know. It all seems a little too messy to be getting on with games. And I do believe it’s time for medication

I don’t need any medication

barks the man to HER left.

Well as I always say: a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down…..let me see what I have here in my bag.

Oh well yes I suppose you must be right

says the stylish volunteer.

If Gary were not so high he might have suggested to the stylish volunteer
that is was not sensible to wear pearls to an asylum. The place tends to attract kleptomaniacs.

Well how about you sir. Can you think of a nice little clu….hint to help Gary guess?

The man to the right of Gary has attempted to make his hospital gown into a uniform. He has not succeeded.

I cannot help but respect the man’s dedication to joining the superior race. Very admirable.

Was all that the psychotic little man to Gary’s right had to say. He immediately stood up, rod straight and goose stepped over to another group of in-patients. Here he bent over from the hips like a piece of wood. Remarked that the tactical advantage lay with the scotty dog in no man’s land and then stood up again. Saluted the air and continued his march.

The orderly has come to wheel Gary away.
It’s time for Gary’s medication again.


