VIDEO: The Urgent Need for Probation and Parole Reform

One out of every four people entering prison is incarcerated for a technical violation, a starting point that has fueled mass incarceration and cost taxpayers billions without making communities any safer.

“What we know is that mass supervision does not keep us safe.”
– JustLeadershipUSA President DeAnna Hoskins

In this new FJP video, San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, Dallas County District Attorney John Creuzot, Columbia Justice Lab Co-Director Vincent Schiraldi, National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform Executive Director David Muhammad, JustLeadershipUSA President DeAnna Hoskins, and FJP Executive Director Miriam Krinsky underscore the urgent need to promote public safety by providing hope and investing in the development and success of people under supervision.

“One of the sad things about mass supervision, and this is true across the country, is instead of setting people up to succeed at work and at home and with their families, we’re often creating roadblocks and hurdles that make it impossible for them to get their life back on track.”
– San Francisco, CA District Attorney Chesa Boudin

For more on the need to bring new thinking to the length, use, and conditions of parole and probation, see the joint statement signed by over 50 elected prosecutors calling for community supervision to be smaller, less punitive, and more equitable, this USA Today op-ed by Miriam Krinsky and Vincent Schiraldi on why reimagining our criminal legal system requires reforming probation and parole, and this new Columbia Justice Lab report on the cost of incarcerating people for technical violations in New York.



Fair and Just Prosecution
Fair and Just Prosecution: A New Vision for the 21st Century

Fair and Just Prosecution is a national network of elected prosecutors working towards common-sense, compassionate criminal justice reforms.