Assetrix DAO Acquires Rights to Reserveum Labs

In early 2024, the project aimed at creating a non-inflationary collateralized currency, initially developed in 2021 and previously known as Reserveum, was acquired by a group of professional DeFi developers from Assetrix Labs. This acquisition marked a new phase in the project’s evolution, including the rebranding of the Reserveum (RSM) coin to Assetrix Coin (ASX). Currently, the project is in the final testing phase, with a launch scheduled for August 2025.

The project has changed its domain address to ASSETRIX.ORG. The old domain, RESERVEUM.ORG, now redirects to the new URL.

History and Development of the Project

The Reserveum project was developed by the analytical group Reserveum MAX Ltd with the aim of creating a protocol for storing digital values. Since 2021, the group of researchers has been developing a theoretical model that became the foundation for the future Assetrix DAO. The main goal of Reserveum was to create an algorithmic, non-inflationary, and non-custodial currency with a regulated growth rate.

In early 2024, the project was acquired by Assetrix Labs, leading to the rebranding of the currency to Assetrix Coin (ASX). The new phase of the project includes the integration of advanced technologies using artificial intelligence to analyze the mathematical model of the Assetrix DAO ecosystem. One of the major breakthroughs in 2024 was the calculation of the optimal ASX token growth curve during the first epoch (AGE1). This curve is represented as a hyperbolic arctangent, divided into ten intervals with unique weighting coefficients. According to AI predictions, this type of growth curve provides maximum marketing effect for rapid coin dissemination and ensures a balance of interests among coin holders, liquidity providers, and consumers using the coin as a means of payment.

Essence of the Assetrix Project

Assetrix DAO is a DeFi project based on the Ethereum blockchain that utilizes the principles of a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO), meaning that the project is governed by the token holders themselves. The main processes implemented in the Assetrix smart contracts include:

  • Creating new ASX tokens in exchange for locking a specific collateral.
  • Burning ASX tokens and returning the collateral to the user.
  • Transferring ASX tokens from one address to another.
  • Setting the amount of collateral required to mint the next ASX token.
  • Obtaining current quotes for collateral currencies.
  • Considering the voting results of ASX token holders to set various parameters of the Assetrix ecosystem.

Advantages of the Project

The Assetrix project has several key advantages:

  • Non-inflationary Nature: ASX tokens are created with collateral, preventing inflation and ensuring stable value growth.
  • Regulated Growth Rate: The unique structure of the project includes a hyperbolic (first epoch) and linear (second epoch) model of collateral growth, creating favorable conditions for investors and users.
  • Decentralized Governance: Decisions regarding the project’s development are made by the token holders through voting, ensuring transparent and democratic project management.
  • Effective Use of Smart Contracts: Smart contracts ensure security, transparency, and automation of all processes within the Assetrix ecosystem.

As of May 2024, the Assetrix DAO project is preparing for the final stage of testing before its launch in August 2025, and its team is confident that the new non-inflationary currency will become a significant step forward in the world of decentralized finance.

Source — official website Assetrix (ex Reserveum)

