Exclusive: Reserveum MAX, or the Money of the Future

The company rep gave away a secret from the protocol

Right now, Lisbon is hosting NEARCON 2022 — a place of meeting and communication of innovative industries like Web3, crypto projects, etc. Our journalist went to Portugal and turned out to get into the centre of incredible events that may soon change the whole crypto industry.

There is a number of regulars in such special crypto events — they are reps of serious projects who go everywhere, are the first ones to learn the new trends, and are reluctant to share their own plans. However, this time, we managed to get one of these crypto enthusiasts to talk — it was the representative of an intriguing project called RESERVEUM Group, a team that works on a protocol for a fair currency of the future.

It’s great luck — the guys have been stirring the crypto market for over a year now with their claims and publications but they always refused to meet the press before the official launch. But in a friendly atmosphere over a little bottle of famous Portuguese Madeira, Jacob Williams agreed to answer several questions and even gave out a little insider secret.

“We can see that the modern money system is overwhelmed and cannot meet society’s requirements. It only gives its users — the people like me and you, — problems, for instance, inflation.” — Jacob is going through his bag and finally finds a piece of folded paper. He continues: “There’s no one really taking the challenge, they think it’s too complicated, but we know how to change the financial system and make it work better for people. This is why we decided to be the first ones to take that step.”

We put our glasses aside and he shows me a complicated hand-written scheme with lots of comments and changes. I’m trying to figure the text out which is just a bunch of letters to me but Jacob’s eyes shine so brightly I can see: there’s a lot of hard work in these scribbles. I’m catching every word, trying to take notes, and gradually, there forms a magnificently simple structure that will soon definitely change our lives.

So, here are the main principles of RESERVEUM MAX, a protocol for a fair currency:

  1. Decentralisation. The money is only coined at users’ requests, no one has the access to the “printing machine” so no one can misuse it. To start coining Reserveum tokens, it is enough to send any crypto to the smart contract address.
  2. Provision. The crypto sent to coin the tokens becomes its financial provision. It can be returned at any moment by sending the Reserveum tokens back.
  3. Protection from inflation. The currency rate is regulated by the smart contract that is programmed to constantly increase the token’s value. So, the price of this money is going to grow over time, saving its purchasing power for years.

These idealistic schemes usually cause nothing but scepticism, but here’s a question for you: would you like to use the money that loses its value every year making you poorer? The answer is simple, everyone feels the burden of inflation today. And there is a simple solution. Everything we need is to say no to fiat money and switch to Reserveum. But it does not depend on the government policies or laws, it’s a decision of each and every individual — the world is much more open now and we are the ones to set the rules.

Conclusion: RESERVEUM MAX is the money that works for people, not exploits them, and this is exactly what our society needs. Now we know it is possible, someone is already working on it, and soon we’ll see this effective protocol in action.

According to the analysis group findings: reserveum.org

