Sacred And Profane Love In The 3rd Millenium: A Fairy Tale

A fairy tale for adults to be read aloud to a loved one or privately to your self at bedtime…

Crypto Musician
Fairy Tales For Adults
6 min readNov 5, 2013


“Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law. Love is the law,
love under will.” — Aleister Crowley

“All God’s angels come to us disguised.” — James Russell Lowell

“There are four questions of value in life… What is sacred? Of what
is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying
for? The answer to each is the same. Only love.” — Don Juan deMarco

Once upon a time an angel fell in love with a Soldier Of Fortune. Do
not ask how such an improbable thing happened, because in the vastness of our Universe, such an odd occurrence is a possibility.

We all know angels can’t hook up with mortals and vice versa. After
all, the Universe has rules and regulations better known as the laws
of nature. But in the realm of Love, a miraculous occurrence is not
unheard of and this dear reader is our story…

Now it’s not at all important how the Angel ran across the Soldier Of
Fortune, after all, angels can go anywhere, and they do go amongst us
people. And so, it came to pass that an Angel spied a Soldier Of
Fortune and fell instantly in love with him. It was as simple as that.

The problem was, that as an Angel, the Soldier Of Fortune would not be able to see, hear or even touch her. He would not even know she even existed.

Anyway, to make a very long story into a short, short one, the Angel
got permission from the higher ups to take on a human form, and thus
the Angel materialized in the earthly world of the Soldier Of Fortune.

But alas, an Angel in human form has no supernatural powers and looks just like anyone else; the Soldier Of Fortune walked right by and
he did not even notice her.

Not to be discouraged, she decided to seek the services of a famous
Wizard and have him cast a magickal spell on the Soldier Of Fortune to
make him fall in love with her.

With a sly look in his eye, the Wizard told her that he would make all
the arrangements and it would only cost $1000; a paltry sum as far as
spells and conjers go. The deal was made.

The very next day the Wizard called upon the Soldier Of Fortune and
told him that he had a most unusual mission. The Soldier Of Fortune
listened to the Wizards totally weirded out proposition and declined.

But when he heard the details and the Wizard offered $2000 for the
successful completion of the job, the Soldier Of Fortune changed his
mind and accepted the mission; the task was to enchant a certain Witch
and read her Quatrains, poetry in four line form. This would make her
fall immediately in love with the Soldier Of Fortune.

Well, I would suppose you are doubtful that a Soldier Of Fortune would
want to make the Witch fall in love with him, even for $2000. The
whole idea wreaks of an evil hag stirring up some foul smelling gruel
in a cauldron; complete with pointed hat, broomstick, ugly wart at the
end of her nose and other witch-like appointments.

But as luck would have it, this witch was quite the attractive woman,
drove a late model BMW and lived in a fine home complete with swimming pool, Jacuzzi, wall to wall carpeting and sweet music piped into every room. So contrary to what we might think, the Witch in reality was quite the “Hot Babe”. No wonder the Soldier Of Fortune changed his mind so easily.

So the Soldier Of Fortune went to work on the intrigue. It was
complete with meet and greet, wining and dining and dancing — the
whole nine yards.

Now, as you recall, the plan was for the Soldier Of Fortune to woo the
Witch and cast a spell on her with the help of some magickal poetry
which he would read to her and make her fall in love with him.
Everything went according to plan and the Soldier Of Fortune even got
to read the Quatrains to her; but nothing happened…

Disappointed, the Soldier Of Fortune reported back to the Wizard. He
told him that the Witch had been a fun date, but he felt that he had
been deceived and failed in the mission because the Quatrains were
really a bunch of bunk. No harm done, he charged the Wizard $500 for
time and expenses and went his way.

And so it was that the Soldier Of Fortune went on to another adventure
in some God-forsaken far off place. But, before he left he wrote a
letter to the Witch and told her of the intrigue she had been pulled
into, magickal Quatrains and all.

When the Witch read the letter, it pissed her off and in a snit she
flew wildly on her broomstick to the home of the Wizard (her BMW was in the shop).

She banged and pounded on the door angrily, repeatedly ringing the
doorbell until the wizard appeared.

Nostrils flaring the Witch glared into his eyes and was just about to
scold him with a vengeance when she began to hear the jingle of bells.

“Jingle, jingle, jingle.”

Hmm, she wasn’t wearing any bells and in fact there were no bells for
miles around, this had to be something else.

Well, isn’t that the rub; our Witch was falling for the Wizard.

He invited her in and while they chatted by the fire, she asked him
what the “big idea” of sending the Soldier Of Fortune to make her fall
in love with him was.

The Wizard laughed and explained that he knew she would not be charmed by the Quatrains and that was not his intention because as they both knew, a Wizard’s spell is neutralized by a Witch’s power and vice versa. He told her that what would transpire indeed was the spell
backfiring and the Soldier Of Fortune falling in love with the one who
truly does love him — an Angel.

The Witch found this very amusing and she and the Wizard hit it off
famously. So much so that their love affair commenced right there on
the spot.

Later that evening, after consuming each other’s love, the Wizard
filled her in on the details of what was going to happen with the
Angel and the Soldier Of Fortune.

The Witch queried whether that was all there was to the story. The
Wizard grinned and explained that in actuality he had “the hots” for
her for a long time, but he knew that spells and potions would not
work on a Witch because her powers would cancel them out, so he needed to work outside the realm of magick.

The Witch a bit puzzled asked, “so what DID you do?”

“I have no idea.” he replied.

“What do you mean?”

The Wizard smiled at her and said, “well…you’re here. Right?”


And so the Witch and the Wizard became friends with benefits and
enjoyed each other’s company for a year and a day. But since Wizards
and Witches really aren’t marriage material they were much happier
this way. They still see each other and that particular year and a day
produced some fabulous fun times as you may well imagine.

As for the Soldier Of Fortune, he took a high-powered rifle round at
that God-forsaken place he went to fight and was not expected to live.
But his fate was to be brought back to health and well being by the
Angel who healed him with limitless love and care.

For this the Soldier Of Fortune was very grateful and as time went by
he fell deep in love with the Angel.

And so the Angel and the Soldier Of Fortune lived happily ever after,
which nowadays means they got a little place together and enjoyed each other’s love until he died.

Now since Angels don’t die and because of this oh so rare situation of
our Angel and her Soldier Of Fortune, a miraculous phenomenon resulted when the spirit left his body — it combined with the Angel to form an enormous shimmering cloud of eternal love and cosmic bliss that will float about the vastness of our Universe until the end of time.

The End

© 2013 Frank Rummel

