My Thoughts on Blogging

Faisal Mami
Faisal Mami
Published in
3 min readMar 2, 2019

I have been blogging consistently for six weeks now and I feel like now is a good time to discuss my opinions on it. As I mentioned in my first blog, I have wanted to start blogging as a project for a while now but I never made any free time. My predictions leading up to this project were that blogs will allow me to organize my life more. Although this is true, blogging has also caused some other effects that I did not predict. I will be going over some of the side effects I encountered from writing my blogs.

Noticing the little things

Coming up with a new topic every week is actually not as hard as I imagined it to be. Actually, I normally end up having to decide between several topics. I even keep a list on my phone of blog topics I plan to write about in the future. As a consequence of constantly pondering over blog topics, I began to pay attention to the little things that occur in my daily life. For example, whenever I commute to school, I used to distract myself by reading a book or playing around on my phone. Since I began writing blogs, I have become more observant to those around me. I notice the people who offer their seats on a crowded train. I look forward to discovering these little things because they can carry lots of meaning.

Discovering myself

Every week I sit on my desk to write a blog. As I stare at a blank template on my laptop screen, I have the opportunity to reflect on the events that occur throughout my week. During my reflections, I discover aspects of my life that I have overlooked in the past. I notice my reactions to different situations and I am more attentive to my health. I keep track of how I perceived an event at the moment and whether or not my thoughts on it changed later on during the day. I know when I am focused and when I get off track. Overall, blogging has made me more self-aware.

Expressing my thoughts

I am normally a person who keeps his thoughts to himself. I have always been taught to listen first and talk last, which I still adopt in my life. However, there is something satisfying about having a platform where I can talk about anything that comes to mind (although I have been avoiding political and religious topics). I get excited when I see a notification for a “clap” or a response. I get disappointed when I rush a blog and will go back to edit it, even after I receive credit for the assignment. I have become so much more invested in this project than I intended and I genuinely enjoy the blissful moments I spend with my thoughts when I am writing.

In a world that is constantly moving at a rapid pace, blogging has given me the opportunity to slow it down and focus on me. I can forget school, work, and all my other issues for a moment and write about something as simple as my thoughts on this project. For those of you who have been following along with my blogging journey, thank you. There is plenty more to come!

