Scott Robert
Faith and Democracy
2 min readAug 18, 2021


I could have highlighted the whole article! However, the United States must stand! (I must confess the idea hit a nerve with me this morning and this post was much harsher, reflection hopefully is wisdom) They are our parents, siblings, uncles, aunts, cousins and simply fellow citizens. The power of the union is union. We could cut them off from the social and corporate welfare along with the security of our United States. There is no reasoning with this crowd as long as the crazy echo chamber of lies, false religion, bigotry, hatred and resentment is allowed to fester unabated. Our fellow Americans need help, strong medicine, a reckoning and reconciliation. We need to take out the head of the snake, not the tail. The red states would starve, kill themselves off and even align with our foreign adversaries to “Take Back America”. Not ideal! These people are more dangerous than the German Third Reich, Imperial Japan and the fascist Italians under Mussolini combined. They are a threat to all Americans who want to live under a democratic republic. The propaganda machines, dark money and special interests are using psyOps to mind f — k, WE THE PEOPLE. It’s those enabling the destruction, that need to be neutralized and brought to justice. They prey on Americans fears, peddle foreign propaganda and foment domestic extremism for profit and power. We need to disengage the machine from our fellow citizens brains. It will take a massive cohesive effort to reform and reboot democracy, truth, logic, science and reason in the United States. I pray the day never comes when we hit a point of no return and are forced to protect the United States from a dystopian version of American theocracy, kleptocracy and willful ignorance. Enough is enough. Unless quashed immediately, there will be another insurrection. Next time they will be armed to the teeth. Hoping the puppet masters come to their senses IS NOT A STRATEGY!!! Our elected leaders better take this threat seriously and take the appropriate actions. The rational who wield the power now, need to wield their power as unashamedly as the opposition did!! Or we all will face the consequences. We are not the first civilization to populate the planet. All others vanished and left not much more than stone and bone. Will we actually be the generation that becomes the self annihilating genetic bottleneck or worse? Maybe that’s the plan.



Scott Robert
Faith and Democracy

Disciple, Guardian of Democracy, Capitalist, Social Justice Warrior, Seeker of Truth and Advocate for the Oppressed.