Spirit-Led Pastoring

“…would God that all the LORD’S people were prophets…” (Numbers 11:29)

John Edwards
Faith and Skepticism


Perhaps the office of Pastor doesn’t always appear as spectacular as other offices (such as the apostle, prophet or evangelist) — however pastoring can be nonetheless supernatural.

One Sunday our congregation was farewelling a family who were moving overseas as missionaries. Our pastor called the whole family — including the children — to the front for prayer.

He asked their daughter, “Is there anything you wish you were taking with you?”

“Our pet dog,” she replied without hesitation.

They weren’t able to take their pet with them because the cost would be almost the equivalent of another airfare.

When we heard that, all of our hearts — including the pastor’s — went out to her.

So our pastor asked if anyone in the audience was able to help, to come and see him afterwards.

Isn’t it just like Jesus to give attention even to a child’s wish like that!

The question which our pastor asked the young daughter that morning was a rather unusual question, don’t you think? As far as I know he hadn’t planned to ask it.

I believe it was the Holy Spirit who prompted our pastor at that moment to ask that particular question — because the Lord cared for the young daughter as much as for her parents whose decision it had been to make the sacrifice of going overseas as missionaries. What a beautiful, memorable moment it was in Sunday-morning church!

That is an example of supernatural pastoring — pastoring by the Spirit — Spirit-led pastoring.

No matter who you are or what your role in life is, you too can have moments where you are prompted and led by the Spirit— supernaturally, even without it necessarily being over-the-top spectacular.

So ask God, “Please give me the Spirit’s help to meet the need”.

And believe you receive it.

