Mindfulness & Faith

Chapter 1: Does DBT Fit In A World Of Faith?

Michael Patanella
Faith Hacking
4 min readAug 28, 2018


I’ve spent the past couple of months authoring a lot of literature on the subjects of Mindfulness and DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy). I have been able to dig into many different avenues, take, the many tools that I’ve learned, and applied them in my everyday life. I have not touched on the Faith and Spirituality side of Mindfulness, and that topic is one I wanted to started writing on with this piece today. Faith fits into the realm of both Mindfulness and DBT, as smooth as the final piece to a jigsaw puzzle.

For myself, and many others, Faith, Spirituality, God and or Religion have all been great options that have helped those who suffer from addiction and mental health tremendously. For those who don’t consider adding those things to their journey and struggle may want to consider it down the road.

Mindfulness puts many things into a world of clarity for us, and can help us really channel our understanding of the here, the now, and the moments we are living on a literal day to day basis. We hunt to find all these different meaning, but we often forget how much of an importance it could be, to become presently mindful to what some Faith can do for us.

Mindfulness in the spiritual moments, can fuel our faith, which may had once been a faith without it’s full strength. We ask ourselves about it, we tell ourselves things and wonder how could a loving God allow such a dark road to exist. Yet we don’t question God or thank him, when our practices of

Mindfulness gives our eye and minds an enlightening perspective to the blessing we have the privilege of receiving, day to day, hour to hour. There is much that can’t be explained by science, potentially being proof of faith.

Faith and God also fit into Mindfulness in the sense it presents of understanding the events around us, from the largest event down to the smallest. When we look at why there is struggle in this world, we may fail to see the true meaning behind that struggle. It’s that struggle, that gives us the sense and understanding of the strength of the value that accompanies life.

There is much out there that only faith carries the answer for. It’s the combination of Faith, DBT, and Mindfulness that together, that trio may help us find those answers that we’ve been unable to find.

It’s become clear through much research that spirituality, faith, and a belief in the existence of a Higher Power can greatly improve many areas of health, both physical health, as well as mental and emotional health.

If we are able to remain in a mindful state, in regards to just how those things are working for us in the present moment, we may find that it is best to take a regular amount of faith that we have, and turn it into a mindful faith, it will become much more clear to us as to just how much God is really doing for us. This gives us a chance to change our thinking and perspective about God. For example; many of us think of God on a long term timeline in our lives, wondering when we will die, where will we be in 20 years, will we have a successful retirement, etc etc.

Once we apply our mindfulness practice, we begin to embrace God on a much more in depth,and whole type of level. As stated before, we start to get the chance to see God, speak to God, and embrace, with the details drawing a whole new perspective our faith and a higher power.

This has been a first look at God, spirituality, higher power, faith, and mindfulness, and all the connections between and within. A second article will be coming soon, to continue the discussion on this enlightening, and embracing topic.

We are starting to see just how much mindfulness there is, in the world of Faith.



Michael Patanella
Faith Hacking

Author, Publisher, and Editor. I cover mindfulness, mental health, addiction, sobriety, life, and spirituality among other things. MichaelPatanella.medium.com