Encouraging Reading and Writing about Faith

February Writing Prompt: When You Don’t Feel the Presence of God

Share your experience and how you overcame it

Nicole Cayer
Faith Hacking


Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

There are some days I feel God’s presence as if God is sitting across the room. I feel the warmth, comfort, and the abundance of life.

Other times, I feel like I’m alone in the room. God is distant and I can’t seem to hold on to God’s presence long enough to feel that warmth, comfort and abundance.

I know I’m not alone in this and it has inspired February’s Writing Prompt:

Tell us a story about a time you didn’t feel God’s presence in your life and what you did about it.

  • What happened?
  • How did you feel about it?
  • How did you overcome this common feeling?
  • What did you learn?

The above are just a few ideas to get you started.

Challenge goes out to all the Faith Hacking Writers:

Anthony Bisotti, Dave Hayes, Kimberly Flanagan, Tina Seward, Janis Cox, Cynthia Dagnal-Myron, Nancy Booth, James Jordan, Ryan J. Pelton, Jim Wolstenholm, Evi Abada, Bobby Shirley, W. Jon McClure, Nolan Huber, Jessica Ryn, Richard K. Yu, Jocelyn Woods, Aaron Blakeley, Dami Onabiyi, Barbara Carson Todd, Eric LaGrange, Christa C. Hogan, Morgan Kenyon, Joan Sandoval, Dan Langerock, Agnes Elizabeth, Heidi Rodriguez, William R Horne, Michael Patanella, Johanna Galyen, Nora uc. Nwobodo, Joe Puentes, Stephanie Jackson, Bebe Nicholson, Geoffrey Watson, Norkis Grant, Fin Sheridan, rickiramirez77, Trip Kimball, Margie Hord de Mendez, Jack Heimbigner, Alistair de Blacquiere-Clarkson, Frank Vaughn, whitney godson, Ruth Weir, Christos Makridis, Displayed Faith, Kayla Roste, Richard L Armstrong, Ian Liew, Derek Cummins, Writing River, Hazel Marona Dahl Behrens, shanth babu, Kristina Harutoonian, Daniel J Botha, Vivian Jeremiah, Glory Mafor, Adam Hendrix, Jonathan James, Carole Tansley, M.M. O'Keefe, Jasmine Golden, Kiara Janai, Melissa Kane, Patrice Maguire, Phineas Phiddlephaddle, Shae Jackson, Sonal Maharana, Odinakachukwu Ndukwe, and Shashank!

Looking forward to reading your stories!

Please send your story in draft form (can’t be a previously published post) and add the tag #FeelingGod so I know it’s part of the February Writing Challenge. I’ll add it to the Writing Challenge tab on the front page of Faith Hacking as well.

If you’re not a writer for Faith Hacking yet, but would like to be — click here

Deadline for submissions is February 28, 2019!



Nicole Cayer
Faith Hacking

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