Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

Nancy Booth
Faith Hacking
Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2018

What chaos hit your life today?

It could be that:

you can’t find something you are looking for and you’re berating yourself for not being able to find it — things

you made the same mistake in technology that you made the day before and your brain is telling you how stupid you are — processes

you have important people in your life betraying you — people

you feel totally out of control while juggling everything, and everyone in your life- yourself

What is chaos?

Chaos can take make forms and arrive in a variety of ways. The definition of chaos is a state of utter confusion. If you’re the mother or the grandmother of a two-year old, you can experience chaos on an hourly basis:-)

However, when things, processes, people and yourself seem to be in a state of utter confusion, it is so unsettling. Your mind bounces from situation to situation, like a bouncy ball, looking for either a way out or a solution.

This is a great picture of the flight or fight syndrome. Chaos usually puts our brain into a high state of alert and wants to protect us from harm. Confusion is not where our brains want to be so we go into the flight or fight to figure things out.

The dilemma is when we live in this state of being all the time. It raises the cortisol levels in our system, which is detrimental to our health, both physically and mentally.

How then, do we go about finding peace in the midst of chaos?

Be Peacefilled

Chaos cycles have to be broken in order to find the peace you want. Here are four ways to introducepeaceful rhythms of life to your daily living to break the chaos — the confusion and begin to find peace and rest for your brain and soul.

Be you. Determine what is yours and what isn’t.

Sometimes in chaos, it is easy to get caught up in drama and the emotions of the moment. Taking time to step back, breathe and ask God, “What is mine to do?” can settle you down as well as your brain so that you discern situations more clearly.

Be focused

Each morning as you start your day, take time to focus with prayer and conversations with God. Talking with Him about what is on your heart and listening to what His important “to do” list for the day can sure help making choices for the day easier.

Be intentional

What is really important in your life — for the day, the week, the month? When you know the path you want to travel, the confusion subsides. Choose one or two intentions and see what happens.

Be connected

Who are you connected to? God, family, other friends? Are those relationships helping or causing the chaos? Sometimes you may have to limit time with people as you determine what you need to be healthy. Who are those that support you?

The Takeaway

Which of the above “peacefilled” strategies resonate with you? How can you begin to practice them in “baby steps”? Changing the way you do things takes time and practice.

If you would like support in making changes, check out more on the Be Peacefilled page. I would love to hear how this goes for you.

Nancy Booth walks alongside Christian women who want to live a more well-nourished life, mind, body and soul. She’d love to hear from you at



Nancy Booth
Faith Hacking

As a lover of God and creator of safe spaces, visit to discover ways to develop intimacy with God and and more conversations with Him.