For the First Time Bible Reading Excited and Captured my Attention

How you can get excited to read the Bible too

Janis Cox
Faith Hacking


My first study Bible — 2002

I love to study God’s Word. I didn’t always feel that way.

About 20 years ago on my first walk toward meeting Jesus, my Bible sat on my book shelf along with fiction books and dictionaries. And I only touched it when I dusted the shelf or when we moved.

Then one time I picked it up.

My friend and mentor challenged me to pick it up. I tried.

It was a King James Version.

I knew a few verses from my childhood and Sunday School. I didn’t understand them but I knew them. I tried to read those passages — but still they did not hold any meaning to me.

Now I know there is a good reason for that.

I believe God opens His Word when you are ready to absorb it.

My friend suggested that I purchase an NIV study Bible because the language made it easier to understand. I bought that version.

My Study Bible purchased in 2002

But it still didn’t work. Nothing. Why? No impact.

Then I heard the answer.

I hadn’t asked God to reveal His Word to me.

I chose another passage that was suggested to me. Before I started to read it, I asked Jesus to help me understand what I read. At that time I belonged to a women’s study group and we were studying one of the letters of Paul. And really some of what He says is very very deep.

I found my journal from 2002 — I was trying to read Paul’s letter to the Romans.

My Bible journal from 2002

Guess what? What I read had made a little sense.

It made enough sense for me to write an answer to a question in the study. Success. And opened up a whole new world of understanding.

Through the years I have attended Bible studies, read non-fiction books, asked questions, and prayed when I read the Bible. I am growing. With each verse, one day at a time.

But is there more to just reading the Bible and understanding it?

Of course there is always more. I felt a need to see the scripture as well as understand it. I wanted God’s Word to become imprinted in my mind.

And I heard about Bible Journaling — which I call Bible Art. It’s a way to look at a passage and either use words to express what it means or a picture.

Here are a few examples of my Bible Art:

Bible Art — Janis Cox Acts 2:24
Bible Art — Janis Cox — 2 Chronicles 7:14
Bible Art — Janis Cox — 1 Corinthians 2:4–5

Call to Action

Would you like to express yourself through art?
Do you want to learn passages and be able to remember them through visuals?

There are two ways I can help you:

  1. Join my FB group Artists and Writers Grow Through God’s Word. We study and we do art.

2. Take a free email Bible Art Course.



Janis Cox
Faith Hacking

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible.