shanth babu
Faith Hacking
Published in
4 min readJun 2, 2018


Journey with God

It’s been a great journey with God so far and I am expecting the best in the coming days. All I am now is not because of my spiritual standard and the integrity I have maintained in the Christian life but because of the unconditional love of God. It is He who ignites faith to believe in Him and when I do that, His response is awesome every time.

He likes to reveal Himself

Whenever we have faith in God, He shows who He is, what He is and How He wants to be for us. He is Love, yes, I have experienced it a lot in my life. No loving parents would want their children to suffer in anything. How our Heavenly Father would do? He gave His only begotten Son to die for us. His love for us is unimaginable. Let me share my experience. I can share a lot but would bring one by one and now I start with my healing experience.

Unforgettable hit

One fine day, when I was riding my bike to my home from office, I got hit by a dust particle straight into my eyes. It was terrible as a puddle of tears was dripping from my right eye unceasingly.

Vain attempts

After reaching home, I tried my best to wash my right eye with warm water, cold water and tried other usual home remedies to get rid of this annoying pricking and itching. After few hours, I have become weary and I caught a cold followed by running nose. I went to bed with pain and was praying a little prayer as I was not able to even pray.

God knows

From the deeper part of my heart, something struck my mind that God knows and watches what I am going through and He is going to do something. I slowly dozed off and woke up next day (Sunday) with same excruciating pain and pricking that was unbearable anymore.

I like to get lost in the deep worship experience

I made myself not miss the church service and attended with eagerness to get healed. I was deep into worship and the sermon and excited about the presence of God and the sermon I heard. I drove back home with no change in the annoying pricking that I have been suffering for almost a day.

Soon after finishing my lunch I went to take rest as I wanted to close my eyes as far as possible which seemed to be a nice idea to find a temporal remedy to be free from the pain, pricking and the waters dripping incessantly. I could not concentrate on anything. I was not able to be normal. I suffered a lot. When I was crawling on my bed to take rest, I slowly started speaking and commanding over my right eye to get healed instantly without taking time.

A prophetic action

How did I do that? I made a prophetic action or whatever I call, it is just an act like as if I take the irking dust particle from my eyes and threw it away. I know nothing was in my hand as I am just doing an action but I believed that God has given me authority over everything so I can experience a miracle or healing through Him. I believed I am His child and I have the right to get healed as He has borne my sickness and pain on the cross.

Isaiah 53:4–4 Surely, He has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows……

1 Peter 2:24 who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness — by whose stripes you were healed.

Instant healing

To my surprise, I got healed instantly and I could find any trace of pricking or pain from that moment. Then only I realised that my understanding of God, His authority that He has given to His children and operating from that authority releases miracles in our life.


Since that day, I started using my authority given by my Father God. I find peace, joy, healing, miracles, and victory by doing this as God wants me to utilise the authority to experience the abundant life He has promised for me.

· Realize your identity in Christ

· Realize the heart of the Father

· Do not compromise with your problem

· Resist the sickness and use authority to get healed

· Know the truth (Word of God) about the problems you face in your life

