How I Improved my Life By Submitting to God

Book of James — Part 7

Nicole Cayer
Faith Hacking
3 min readMay 4, 2018


I grew up in a home being told I could be and do anything I wanted in life. My mother always reminded me I owed nothing to anyone and to let no one tell me what to do.

I had the power, and I was in control of my life.

When I learned about Christianity, God and the Bible, I noticed the word “submit” come up often. Each time I saw this word ‘submit’, I’d discount it, ignore it, push it away.

The concept of submission was foreign in my mind. Why would I want to submit to anything or anyone?

Again, I had the power, and I was in control of my life.

Challenge for Lent

This Lent, I committed to reading the Book of James and writing about what I’ve learned.

Well, Easter was a month ago, Lent is over and I’m still going through the Book of James.

I got stuck on Chapter 4. Chapter 4 is about submitting to God.

The truth is, I haven’t been able to write about what I’ve learned until now.

Crazy how spiritual growth works isn’t it?

What does Submit to God mean anyway?

I’ve concluded (for today anyway!) submitting to God for me means trusting God.

Trusting God with my whole life and trusting God has a plan for my life. Trusting where I am in my life, at this moment, is where God wants me to be.

It’s easy to say we trust in God, but do we really?

Do we truly trust, or are we continually trying to take control back from God?

I wish I could say I always trust and submit to God in all areas of my life, but truthfully, I always seem to question, doubt and hesitate.

I remember submitting to God twice in my life.

Sitting in the Car — I was in the car and was ready to ask God to come in my life. I wanted a relationship. I remember sitting in my car, emotionally on my knees, submitting to God. It didn’t happen overnight — but eventually, God appeared in my life.

With a clear line to this ride in the car — me submitting.

In a hotel room — My work life was a disaster. Each morning as I was getting ready for work, I felt sick to my stomach. I was bitter, sad, and unhappy and this negativity was seeping through to my personal time. I sat on the hotel bed, praying, emotionally on my knees, begging and pleading with God to make it better. Telling God — whatever I have to do — I will do.

I submitted right there in the hotel. God appeared the next day — telling me what to do.

Final Thought

The hardest part of Christianity for me is submitting to God. Trusting God, and not just saying it, but truly trusting God in everything and all aspects of my life.

Every day is a decision, every day we have a choice to let God in our lives to lead us.

This means we have to move over to the passenger side and let God drive the car — the car we call life.

Letting God enter our lives daily, in all areas of our life will bring us closer to the Divine. And propel us in the direction God intended for us.

Originally published at



Nicole Cayer
Faith Hacking

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