How To Find Out About Prayer

Janis Cox
Faith Hacking
Published in
2 min readJun 19, 2017


A 40 Day Challenge following Mark Batterson’s book, Draw the Circle

I have started a 40 Day Prayer Challenge based on the book Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson. I’m not sure why at this particular time God challenged me with this. I know we all have too much on our plates. But maybe that’s because we don’t pray enough.

Draw the Circle by Mark Batterson

I challenge you to join me. I have a private Facebook Private Group that you may join by asking. Please ask to join here.

Each day during the work week I will start by reading a chapter and journalling my thoughts. I will share those with you on my FB page.

I enjoy journalling in my Bible as well. Sometimes I draw pictures — other times just notes. Here is an example for the first day which started June 16th.

from my journal of June 16, 2017

The first Circle of prayer:

Lord, help me to hear what or who I need to pray for.

Here are 8 things I learned from day one.

  1. Make a daily time for prayer.
  2. Ask God to show you who and what to pray for.
  3. Show up for your appointed time with God.
  4. Be still and quiet.
  5. Listen.
  6. God will invade your routine.
  7. Live in holy anticipation.
  8. God will orchestrate supernatural synchronicities (meaningful coincidences — or as I would say God-incidents).

The following are quotes from Mark Batterson and Draw the Circle.

We don’t get our marching orders until we get on our knees. (tweet this)

If you establish a prayer routine, your life will be anything but routine.

Let God do the promoting and networking.

Join me. Let’s learn to pray with concentration and effort and watch God do the work. (tweet this)

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Janis Cox
Faith Hacking

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible.