Is This What Happens When The Fire Alarm Is Pulled?

Janis Cox
Faith Hacking
Published in
5 min readOct 16, 2017


Teaching rules to children and adults

The players on the hockey rink raced for the puck. Almost a goal. They regrouped and one player headed down the ice. All of a sudden a bell rang. A loud bell. It wasn’t a goal. It was the fire alarm. We as spectators looked at each other. What do we do? We waited to see if it would be shut off. No still a loud ringing.

We headed outdoors. The whole arena had to be completely evacuated. Fire truck sirens could be heard in the distance. No smoke. What was going on?

The truth was that a young boy had pulled the alarm.

Why? Because it was there I guess. Of course the parents were distraught to think that their child had caused such a commotion. They were very upset with the child.

But afterwards they began to think — “Did we really tell him not to pull that bright shiny red handle?”

The child knew he had done something wrong. He asked forgiveness. It was accepted but the parents also learned that more teaching was necessary.

When teaching children we need to be specific and repetitive.

I remember this saying to teach me how to cross the road safely.

Walk don’t run when you cross the street
Use your eyes, use your ears.
Then you use your feet.

And how many of you were taught fire rules, fire safety? Do you remember stop and drop; feel the door to see if it’s hot; find the nearest but safest exit?

And what about how to be safe from strangers — We need to be specific and give an example.

What would a child do if a person came up to him and said, “Your mommy is really hurt. You must come with me right away.” That can be emotionally gripping and your child may not understand that it was not safe to follow that person.

Children need to be told what to do in each situation that might occur.

Our family used a code word that only our family knew. And the person wanting them to go with them would need to say that word for our children to feel safe to go with that person. Nowadays some kids carry cell phones and checking in with mom or dad would be the first line of defence.

These are all examples of rules that we learned as children and need to teach our children.

God has the same plan. — to teach His children.

And He has the rule book too — our Bible.

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Besides learning His Word ourselves we are told to teach it to our children.

From Proverbs 22:6

Train up a child in the way he should go.

Deuteronomy 6:6–7

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.

Remember I said to be specific.

When you are studying God’s Word I have found that if I listen to God He shows me what to read and study.

At the moment I am looking at creativity passages. God created us for a purpose and with special gifts to glorify Him.

From my Bible Journaling

What are you studying? His promises? Prayer passages? Strength? Forgiveness? There are so many.

Find what you need and study it.

And I also said, that as parents we need to be repetitive in our teaching. Learning scripture passages helps us when we need to recall God’s Word:

For instance now I can say:

Do not be anxious — Philippians 4:6
The Spirit of God made me — Job 33:4
For we are God’s workmanship — Ephesians 2:10
Trust in the Lord with all your heart — Proverbs 4:5

As children or adults we are all children of God who need to learn how to live safely, peacefully and by being specific and intentional in our studies, and repetitive in our learning. By memorizing we will be better equipped to work for God’s glory here on earth.

May I pray for you and me?

Lord Jesus, we know as your children we want to follow Your Way. We don’t always know the rules. We don’t always follow them when we know them. Forgive us. But You have given us the guide in the Bible. Your words are living and active when we read and study. Help us to give priority to seeking to know more by studying scripture. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Until next time, decide on the passage or passages that God is calling for you to study. Read and memorize and seek God’s help in all you do.

News Bulletin

I will be running a new study starting November 1, 2017 on Facebook. It is called Psalms Alive. My group is called Growing Through God’s Word. The study will be based on a book by David Kitz. Join us and go deeper into God’s Word.

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Janis Cox
Faith Hacking

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible.