Seven Strong Life Lessons From Exodus

Jim Wolstenholm
Faith Hacking
Published in
5 min readJun 26, 2018

Every book in the Bible has lessons that are timeless. Exodus has many lessons but today I want to share seven of my favorite lessons with you. These lessons can help us follow Jesus as we apply them to our lives and circumstances. The Holy Spirit will guide you as you meditate on the Word of God and read these lessons.

Dan Kiefer

One — Moses’ Early Life and Call — Exodus 1–6

The early life of Moses teaches us about God’s sovereignty and calling. He orchestrates the events of Moses early and middle years in order to prepare him for an incredible mission.

Moses was born during the edict to kill all Hebrew baby boys. His mother hid him for several months, then made a waterproof basket and placed him in the Nile, hoping an Egyptian would rescue and adopt him. This is exactly what happened as Moses was adopted by a Princess in Pharaoh’s household.

Being raised with royal privilege didn’t cause Moses to lose his perspective. One day, he went to observe his people and saw the mistreatment of one by his Egyptian overlord. He killed the Egyptian and when the news got to the throne, he fled for his life. He found out that he could not lead his people on his own power or initiative. Instead, he became a shepherd in the wilderness for his middle years.

One day in the wilderness he saw a burning bush that was not consumed with the flames. He couldn’t help but investigate. There the Lord confronted and called him. Was Moses remembering his previous failure when he began to make excuses? But God was patient, answering every objection with a perfect response.

He gave Moses signs and clear direction and finally a very firm commision. Moses reluctantly agreed and headed back to Egypt.

Lesson — When God calls be sure he has prepared you for the task and unless you answer you will have no idea what he might do through your faithful obedience.

Two — The Plagues — Exodus 7–13

Moses’ plea for his people to be released that they might worship Pharaoh was met with scorn and ridicule. Pharaoh’s hard heart refused to listen to the cries of this enslaved people. Their religion had never been an issue before. These slaves had no rights and the monumental building projects must go on. His legacy and place in the pantheon of the gods depended on it.

The plagues came and Pharaoh refused to yield. He would not offend his gods even in the face of a superior God. He was far to proud for that! His heart was hardened beyond remedy. Despite the persistent messages from God’s prophets and the signs he was shown, he would not give in.

In the end, God was glorified as he defeated Pharaoh and his gods with the incredible signs and wonders. The people of Israel marched out defiantly in an apparent victory! It is this exodus that gives this book its name.

Lesson — When we repeatedly harden our hearts, we risk a permanent hardness that makes us unable to respond to the voice of God.

Three — The Red Sea — Exodus 14–15

The people followed the leadership of God — right into trouble. God led them to a place of total dependence. He knew that Pharaoh wasn’t finished yet. God would get the final and total victory. Now the people found themselves in life or death crisis. The army of Egypt was closing fast on one side, the Red Sea was on the other. They cried out in fear and God answered with a simple instruction, move forward!

Moses raised his staff, the people moved forward as the sea parted! All night, God provided light for the escape and darkness for the pursuers. He protected his people while he demonstrated his power. Once the people arrived on the opposite shore, the sea closed on the entire pursuing army and they were destroyed.

Lesson — Sometimes, God will take us into a place of ‘danger’ so he can show us his power. Just trust him and keep following!

Four — The Sinai Experience — Exodus 19–40

The first stop on the spiritual journey was Sinai. They remained here for a long time as God revealed his plans to them. God graciously provided them with laws and provisions for sin that would allow them to live as his chosen people.

The whole covenant was God’s way of ensuring that he could have fellowship with them and live among them.

Lesson — God acts graciously to provide us all we need to have a vital and transformational relationship with him.

Five — The Golden Calf — Exodus 32

Patience is not something most people are good at. The people of Israel grew impatient as Moses spent weeks on the mountain. They wanted some direction and leadership right now! Unwilling to wait any longer, they coerced Aaron into making an idol for them to worship.

God interrupted his time with Moses so Moses could go down to correct the people. They were rebuked and punished but God forgave their sin.

This gross sin also led to more time of waiting as Moses went up the mountain again to be with the Lord.

Lesson — Waiting on the Lord is essential to spiritual health. Impatience can frequently lead us into sin.

Six — God’s Provision — Exodus 16

God’s love will always prohibit him from making us needlessly suffer. There was no reason for the people to starve in the wilderness. Although he had already shown his people his power and glory, they complained. They were hungry. God provided for them with manna and quail.

His patience was tested but he was still faithful to his people.

Lesson — As God leads you he will also provide for you.

Seven — God’s Manifest Presence — Exodus 33

God expressly told Moses that he was to dwell in the midst of his people. We know that God is omnipresent (every where present). But his desire was to manifest his presence in a unique way in the midst of his people. His manifest presence would set them apart from all the peoples on earth!

The cloud by day and pillar of fire by night reminded the people that he was in their midst. The tabernacle was built to symbolically house his presence and sanctify his people.

Lesson — God wants us to experience his manifest presence. Jesus was another manifestation of his presence. The Holy Spirit now works to help us experience his manifest presence.

Your Turn

Meditating on these lessons helps me understand God better — and to understand myself better. What lessons in Exodus help you spiritually? I would love to read your comments. Please share them here or on our Facebook page.

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Originally published at on June 26, 2018.



Jim Wolstenholm
Faith Hacking

35 years of leadership experience. A lifetime of following Jesus! Lots more help for your walk with Jesus at