Thank You, Welcome and a New Layout

February 28th, 2018 — Letter 002

Nicole Cayer
Faith Hacking
3 min readFeb 28, 2018


Photo by LinedPhoto on Unsplash

Thank YOU and Welcome.

As we close the month of February, I’d like to take a moment to thank all of the contributors to Faith Hacking.

The ability to share our experiences together online and witness how God is working through each of our lives is truly a blessing.

I personally read each and every submission and it touches my heart knowing I am not alone in my desire to share faith through my love of writing.

That being said — I’d like to welcome some new writers who have joined this month:

Cynthia Dagnal-Myron, Nancy Booth, Ryan J. Pelton, James Jordan, Jim Wolstenholm, and Evi Abada.

Welcome aboard! I’m looking forward to building a faithful community with you and our current writers.

New Layout for Better Communication

I’ve changed the layout of the publication. Faith Hacking is a relatively new publication — and as we continue to add to the publication this new structure will help readers navigate through the publication based on their interest.

Based on the submissions so far, I’ve organized the sections as the following:

The Journey — basically any articles that communicate faith, life, hope, and the struggle, and doubts etc. This section will be dedicated to articles sharing the journey. Real people navigating life and learning to rely on their faith. If you’re articles fit this category, please tag it with #faith

The Bible — anything to do with the Bible. I’m currently doing a study on the Book of James. This will be the spot for my articles about this. If your articles fit this category, please tag it with #bible

The Community — we know we cannot do this faith thing alone. This section will be reserved for any articles that have to do with church (traditional or online), community and giving. If your articles fit this category, please tag it with #church

Men and Faith — this is a special section dedicated to men and faith. We all have struggles with faith, but I think men have it a little harder than women. I know my husband and I have different approaches to becoming faithful and the resources for him are limited. If you’d like to contribute to this section, please tag it with #menandfaith (I thank Anthony Bisotti for starting and leading this section!)

Spiritual Growth — this section is dedicated to ‘hacking’ faith. Here is where you can share ideas, thoughts, resources and habits you’ve added to your life to encourage spiritual growth. This is where I will be sharing my Faithful Friday articles. If you’d like to contribute to this section, please tag it with #spiritualgrowth

Remember, the articles submitted should be personal, authentic and real. The idea is to share how faith is relatable to this day and age — as we need faith now more than ever.

Looking forward to where March takes us!



Nicole Cayer
Faith Hacking

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