The {Bracket} Racket

or Categorizing God……..

Rhonda Krol
Faith Hacking
2 min readMay 23, 2018


Tell me who you are and I’ll decide if I listen or not,

…………care or stare,………….slow,… or go on my way.

Your category please. What did you say?

Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

Uh,… huh. Sorry, I’m busy.

Too needy, too dirty for a god, not ‘right’ enough, not owned by the right stuff, friendship…, out of the question.

You ‘re too ‘acquainted with grief’…. I can see that from afar.

A freed life? I don’t accept giveaways these days,

You like grief. Your Name was despised! You think that burden is light?

You want to set me free?

Keep your ‘Freed life’ to Yourself.

…….So the {bracket} racket have classified HIM ‘not good enough’.

The {my type bracket} ‘category- of -me’ racket has many followers. The fake news con men aren’t checked out often, so their victims keep falling for the fashionable fable.

‘HE is not a part of the me-category.’

……All we like sheep have gone astray yet another day………..

HE approaches yet another.

…………I’ll decide if I listen or not,……Wait!………

It’s You!…..A freed life? Yes!………

A child of God? Yeah, OK!!………..

A servant of love? Well, Yeah…. {My Lord/My life} at last!

{Your love poured out in my heart}….uh, not just ‘do my best’?

And when I think I am wise and my inner sheep goes astray another day?

MY love poured out in your heart…… forgiven, though fallen….. be at rest.

“A silhouette man outstretches his arms looking over a valley of fog in Chaing Mai as the sunrise-or-sunset turns the sky orange” by Zac Durant on Unsplash

We approach yet others.

……The {bracket} racket will try to hurt you as they did Me, you know that…..


Don’t be afraid. I have overcome the world……..

YOUR love poured out through my heart…. Yes.



Rhonda Krol
Faith Hacking

Warm, warmer, got it! I love words, even more, the Maker of the meaning behind them.