This is Why I am Not Lucky

Evi Abada, MD, MS
Faith Hacking
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2018
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash

Growing up, I always used to hear people use the phrase, “you are so lucky.” And why I may not have comprehended the full meaning of that line, I actually also found myself saying it and believing its message.

We often attributed someone’s good fortune or success as being the result of luck or chance, rather than by anything else.

But, all that changed when I truly discovered my true identity in Christ and realized that, that phrase doesn’t exactly apply to me because of who I am.

So, I do not believe in luck and neither do I believe in magic. Instead, here are 2 things I believe in, and they are the things that define who I truly am: “I am Graced and Highly Favored.”

Therefore, these days, rather than hear me say “I am lucky”, you would instead hear me say, “I am graced and highly favored.” And this conviction comes from a rock-solid place in my life- My faith.

When we attribute the things, which have been freely given to us by God’s grace and benevolence, as being due to chance or luck, we undermine the power of God in our lives.

As, a child of God, I believe that God knows every tiny little detail of my life. He alone knows the end from the beginning of a matter.

He already knows all the barriers and mountains I would destroy as I advance in my climb towards the life He has ordained for me even before my parents ever nurtured the idea to conceive me. So, why would I ever think that things happen in my life due to chance?

I have gone through some very tough times in my life, that I knew I needed the supernatural to intervene in my situation. And when God did show up, I knew I had received a miracle. I knew that God’s mercy had found me, and He had been gracious enough to favor me in that very situation.

So, because I know that things do not happen in my life haphazardly, I do not prescribe to that saying that “I am lucky.”

I believe that as Christians and followers of Christ, we get to that point in our Christian Faith where we understand that everything that happens in our life, happens for a reason.

Sometimes, and indeed most times, we may not know why (and neither should we even try to) some things happen the way they do. But if we continue to anchor our Faith in Christ, our solid rock who never fails, He would always show up, even when men may tell us, all hope is lost.

And once we have that understanding that God is working everything out for our good, irrespective of the weight of the circumstance, our perspective on luck might change.

So, when I experience the blessings of God in its fullness, I am the first to say, “God has favored me, and He has graced me with His blessings.”

My life doesn’t happen by chance or luck because my steps are ordered by my Father, who is aware of every little detail about my life.

He has my best wishes at heart and I know that He also has yours, if you would only let Him!

So, yes, my dear friend, I am bold enough to say, “I am not lucky, but graced and highly favored!”

God bless you!

Evi Abada (

