Who me? Deny myself?

Janis Cox
Faith Hacking
Published in
4 min readSep 25, 2017


A look at myself — or should I look to God?

I heard a great sermon the other day — it really made me think. And to top it off I read Oswald Chambers the same day — same topic. Is God telling me something? Then I read it on Facebook. Yikes.

The topic is self. Yes, me.

Jesus said: Matthew 16:24

Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me.”

Yes Jesus said to deny myself. But thank goodness our minister explained it as it sounds like just forget about me.

Our minister said God made me — made my complete person, my identity.

My job is to discover that identity in Christ. But at the same time I have to remember that I must deny feelings, emotions and thoughts that are driven by the world or by Satan. I have to keep myself pure for God. I can’t just do as I feel I want to, just because I can do it.

I need to ask God and follow His leading.

This is tough. We were told to beware of people who like to manipulate scripture to make you do something they want you to do.

I do remember a time when I was picking someone up to drive a long distance (6 hours) through traffic to a meeting and we wouldn’t arrive until late in the evening. I had all ready driven 2 hours to her house to pick her up.

She had a friend with her and she told me I should drive that friend to a place further southeast — and we were travelling southwest. The friend was able to take public transportation.

I said, I didn’t feel like I should do this as I wanted to arrive in time and driving through the city would make us even later. And of course, I am not a great city driver. The whole thing made me anxious.

Well she finally did put her friend on the public transit. But she kept up nattering at me with the fact that I should be doing as God wished. I should have denied myself and taken this friend instead.

I have thought and prayed about this situation over the years. I still believe that I didn’t feel called to drive her friend. The circumstances made perfect sense to me — I said I would pick her up and take her to the meeting. But she used the scripture of “denying myself” to justify actions that she wanted me to take.

I believe that forgetting about myself means to be aware where God wants me to go, and what He wants me to do.

It doesn’t mean someone else telling me what to do. I have communication with God. I feel at peace when I make a decision. If not, I know something is not right.

But I have to be aware of me — before I can make tough decisions. If people can manipulate me then it is not right.

Certainly Jesus meant that I shouldn’t always be thinking of myself.

Oswald Chambers says: “Our Lord’s teaching is anti-self-realization.”

All the new age books on the shelf are pushing people towards finding themselves.

But I believe that we need to find God — then we will know ourselves through His revelation.

Being aware of who we are; what we need to change; and liking who God made us are important.

May I pray for you and me?

Father, Creator, the One Who made us, help us to be the people You want us to be. Help us learn to listen to You so we know our way, find our peace and that we are able to deny ourselves to follow You when You call. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Until next time, think about this scripture. Is it calling you towards God? Does it speak to you about who you are in Christ? Read more of the Bible each day.

Find out more at https://hopestreamradio.com/track/beware-deadly-pursuits-darkness/

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Janis Cox
Faith Hacking

Creativity Spiritual Catalyst. Author/Illustrator. Jesus follower. Growing Through God's Word FB group for reading the Bible. janiscox.com