Would you like to terminate the pregnancy?

W. Jon McClure
Faith Hacking
Published in
2 min readApr 2, 2018

My wife and I are having a baby and there are some complications. I previously mentioned about it in a previous post.

Learning more about the concern of the unborn baby was the fluid level in the brain. As if that wasn’t enough, hydrocephalus is usually just a symptom of what was really wrong.

After we did a specialty ultrasound it was determined the excess fluids was due to an undeveloped part of the baby’s brain called Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum.

Nobody wants complications with innocent babies but as if that wasn’t enough the doctor tell us the issue and nonchalantly asks,

“Would you like to terminate the pregnancy?”

My wife abruptly and without hesitation said no!

And was like can we add that to our file? Because it would be great to not have that asked again. This child is a gift.

I personaly thought they would almost have to ask that every single visit because of some liability concern.

All in all, we know that God is in control and guides our steps. We have peace about the situation and what it could mean for us and the life of the baby.

Are you in a stressful or challenging season?

Like us in this situation, consider praying for peace. There will always be storms in life but peace that passing understanding can help you through any situation. God bless.



W. Jon McClure
Faith Hacking

Start to seek. Become a generalist. Begin to serve. Rise to a Polymath. Start a mission. Live in abundance. https://linktr.ee/wjmcclure