The Pressing

Growing during trials

Cameo Contreras
Remenant Walk: Faith Steps
2 min readAug 27, 2023


Photo by Justin DoCanto on Unsplash

For many in the body of Christ, this has been a season of trial; a season of pressing. This is not without purpose. Just as a butterfly begins it’s life in a cacoon, tightly bound and restricted inside an environment from which it must break free to thrive, you too must fight to break free.

“You must fight to break free!”

Break free of generational strongholds and bondages that have kept your family imprisoned for far too long. You must fight to break free of the offense that has tried to grab ahold of your heart and mind; robbing you of your healing. You must fight to break free of weariness; a prison that longs to keep you trapped in a state of perpetual immaturity, unable to grow.

Your growth is dependent on your ability to break free!

Inside the cacoon, a larva must eat continuously and shed it’s skin 4- 6 times. In the same way, you too must continue to feed. Feed yourself on the word and the promises of God. Push past the confines of pain and shed the skin of the old as many times as necessary until just as the butterfly, what emerges is as beautiful and strong as the perfect creature God has destined you to be!

I declare over you today: You will emerge!

This time of pressing will not kill you. You will eat of the promises of God and you will emerge strong, beautiful, and mighty; for God has purposed your victory and His plans will never fail!

Heb 13:20-21 "Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen."



Cameo Contreras
Remenant Walk: Faith Steps

Unapologetic lover of Christ. Mother, writer, and friend. I write what I know.