How does your integrity measure up?

TC Cooper
Published in
3 min readMar 21, 2018

Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but he who makes his ways crooked will be found out. Proverbs 10:9

Integrity = the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles, moral uprightness.

Integrity is how you do what you do. It is necessary to build, manage and grow a business that glorifies Jesus, serves people and build sustainable wealth.

In Proverbs 10:9, the Bible makes it clear that “integrity” is the key to security.

Integrity is evident in …

Values the reflect the character of Christ;

Behavior that imitates the character of Christ; and, a

Reputation that honors the character of Christ.

These elements exist for individuals and businesses too.

Here’s how …

→ Integrity shows up in business decisions that create trust.

→ Business decisions that create trust lead to loyal clients and clients.

→ Loyal clients and customers lead to repeat business, referrals, and recommendations.

→ Repeat business, referrals, and recommendations lead to consistent revenue.

→ Consistent revenue leads to sustainable wealth.

Following through with this process of operating in integrity, day in and day out, leads to building a business the glorifies Jesus (through imitating God’s character) and generates wealth.

Crooked = Dishonest or Illegal

Here’s how you can unintentionally slip into operating in crooked ways:

→ Make decisions that generate revenue at the expense of great value.

→ Take actions that generate revenue at the expense of timely payments.

→ Do things that cut costs but increase dangerous conditions.

→ Exhibit behavior that serves your business but hurts people you serve.

The Bible makes it clear that crooked ways will eventually be found out.
And … when crooked ways are discovered (as they always are) they will eventually destroy your business, bring shame to God’s kingdom and turn people away from Jesus.

As a Christ-centered business owner, you have a critical responsibility to make decisions that reflect the integrity of Christ every single time there’s a decision to be made.

Your actions are highly influential in what people know about and think about what it means to be profitable while serving Christ.

Make good decisions.

Build a reputation that glorifies God!

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TC Cooper

I help corporate leaders build faith-driven, biblical-sound, successful brands in the workforce and marketplace. |