Being a Christian woman in the modern world

Onanma Okeke
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2017

We should all learn to be fearless in our Christianity

Illustration by Onanma Okeke

Do you ever find yourself in a very uncomfortable situation where your Christendom and love for God is often challenged, looked down upon and sometimes even ridiculed? I know I have especially in school. I go to a fashion school, so a vivacious love for God is often challenged even the belief that there is a God who rules over the affairs of men is seen as ridiculous. I have professors who have openly said derogatory things about the belief that there is a supreme being, some even go as far as throwing shade at Christians. It’s really difficult to stand up for your religion(I hate calling Christianity a religion because religion is such a sensitive word and many years of bad PR has given it a bad rep) especially if these people hold the keys to your grades or employment. Most times I just sit in my chair and wait for his/her statement to be over.

I am sure people in workplaces experience this too especially people who work in very creative jobs. Belief in God is sometimes seen as awkward, stupid and weird, through certain lenses, it is an attack on Christianity.

Maybe sometimes it is a reflection of our own confidence in God by confidence I mean how proud we are to show God off in the midst of unbelievers . I think it is something we modern Christians need to develop. The fearlessness that God has implanted into us to stand on mountain tops and proclaim his name.

Matthew 28:18–20

And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”

I remember sometime ago one of my professors wished me good luck on something(I can’t remember what it was) - as a reply I organically wanted to say amen but I hesitated and instead I crossed my two fingers together. Because I thought, what if she wasn’t Christian, would she find it weird, awkward or even offensive. This is an example of living in fear as a modern Christian woman. Fear of perception.

This fear can also transcend into our social and love life such as not participating in activities we don’t deem Christ-like or setting excellent standards society deems as too “high” or even waiting for sex until marriage.

We often go about with this mentality of “to each their own” but in the grand scheme of things this doesn’t apply to us. When heated topics or comments on religion and God are discussed or said we often like to disappear into the background. My point is - if someone can openly dis-barge a faith what stops us from openly defending God after all - it is freedom of speech, right? The problem lies with fear of perception. Sometimes we don’t think it is our responsibility, after all “to each his own” his/her thoughts and opinions don’t affect my relationship with God.

But guess what? Maybe it does. It plants tiny seeds of doubt in your heart. The more you are exposed to this kind of environment without removing the weeds the bigger the tree gets.

We need to live fearlessly, it is okay to respect other peoples opinions on God but you have every right to also have a say on your opinions on God.

Don’t get me wrong. God certainly needs no defending.

But what you say in that situation can change a person's notions on God. The key is to not sound defensive and aggressive but sound kind and informative with some scripture backups. You never know, the person who wanted to cast the first stone might have gone home and had a long discussion with himself/himself on the words you said earlier. You just created a domino effect that by God’s grace leads to Christ

I pray that God gives us the strength to live fearlessly.

2 Timothy 4:2–5

preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.


