Dear future husband…

Lulu Okeke
Published in
3 min readSep 22, 2016

What can I say? I love you.

Illustration by Onanma Okeke

Dear future husband…

How are you doing? I hope all is well. I can’t wait to meet and fall in love with you every single day.

Since the age of fifteen, I have been praying for you and I know you are going to be worth it, I know. I am a work in progress in the hands of God because he knows me better than anyone ever will. So, forgive me if I am not perfect.

I like a couple of things…haha, not a couple. I like a LOT of things. Food, Shopping, Memes(my lord! loveee it!)and a lot more. I can’t wait for you to discover the rest of me! Funny enough, I love you so much already! ( I know, sounds weird).

In my head, I am a comedian, like seriously. A hardcore joker(and my meme game is A1, not in my head though, in real life). I don’t know, I just love that about myself. So, get ready to laugh at weird stuff. Hmm, the weird part, yeah, I am kinda weird. Not like crazy weird, as in, call 911 kinda weird, but weird enough to stand out, I guess? One more thing, I find smiles attractive and I can’t wait to fall in love with yours every day. Ugh, can’t wait!

As regards to my family, I think they are awesome and I know you will find them awesome as well, my mom especially. I don't think you will ever understand how much I love my mom. She is the definition of a blessing. Don't worry, babe, you will get to see it for yourself.

I have insecurities, well...most people do and I try not to let them get to me because I am still learning. God is constantly teaching me to love myself the way he loves me. Please, don’t get discouraged when you see me feeling down about myself, I am a work in progress.

One of the best things about marriage is the many things we get to do together! I honestly long to do so much with you, travel the world, help people, etc. Fingers crossed we keep the spark going by doing fun stuff! Do you know how good it’s gonna feel to call you my best friend? MY best friend. MINE. Wow.

You: “Guess what? I saw a deer today.”

Me: “Woww, you know I love you, right? And it makes me so happy to know you saw a deer.”( maybe not this enthusiastic, but close enough, lol)

You probably know this by now, oh wait you should have. I love God. Moreover, I have been praying that God should give me someone who loves him more than I do and I desire that Christ be the center of our marriage. I know it will not be the easiest thing ever but it will be worth it. Love me with the love of Christ, the only love that lasts. And by God’s grace, I will do the same. Marriage is such a beautiful thing when it's done God's way and I want that for us.

Babies are so cute! Ugh! The fact that our kids are gonna be a mixture of us still amazes me because, wow, the greatness. Can’t wait to make cute babies with you ;)

You are going to have an awesome wife. Can you tell already?

I get to do life with you. YOU. How lucky did I get?

I love you with all my heart. Until we meet.

