How to see yourself the way God sees you

Lulu Okeke
Published in
2 min readAug 13, 2016

Where is your focus?

Illustration by Onanma Okeke

According to the free dictionary, “to see” means to perceive with the eye. In the sense that your mind interprets things the way YOU want to see it. But, guess what? You just might be blind.

We live in a world that offers so many opportunities. Moreover, we also live in a fallen world and as long as you have breath in your lungs you will feel pressured to meet certain requirements. But, also guess what? You don't have to. The requirements you should be aiming for are the ones God set for you because HE knows the best for you.

“You should totally buy this, it’s popular.”

“No...No, look this way.”

“That degree would definitely take you places and make you feel happy.”

“Don't be a misfit.”


All lies. Lies. Lies. Lies.

The matter of fact is no one knows tomorrow. You think you do? Sike! You don’t.

Get to know God

God gave us free will. Now the ball is in your court, how are you gonna play? He is a perfect God, he NEVER makes any mistake. So, who are you to believe otherwise?

And because we come from Him, our soul(the very depths of it) is always on the lookout to find it’s source. For some, they find it in temporary things that don’t satisfy.

The Holy Spirit is your best friend

Seeking to know all there is to God? Who you are? I have someone for you. The Holy Spirit can teach you more than the highest degree you can ever earn. When we are fully enveloped in Christ, it changes the way we see everything, most especially ourselves.

We all have imperfections, yes, but don’t let it stop you from experiencing the perfect love of Christ. So, don’t worry about what the world says you should be or what you think you should be. The world doesn’t even know what IT should be.

1 John 2:15–17 ESV

“Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world — the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions — is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever.”

