True self-worth

Lulu Okeke
Published in
2 min readNov 4, 2016

The more you look, the less you see

Illustration by Onanma Okeke

Self Worth. The thing most people are searching for but finding in the wrong places. Hey, one thing I can surely tell you is true self-worth comes from God and Him alone.

According to, Self worth is the sense of one’s own value or worth as a person. In general, how you see yourself.

I believe I saw this on twitter, a person was asked what their life goal was and they said: “to chase happiness”. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with being happy, but as humans, we don’t know what we really want. But that is a topic for another day.

Distractions are real.

Left, right and center. Everywhere. A lot of things scream out lies to us about what/who we should be, even ourselves. Yes, we are one of our greatest enemies. A more reason why it is so important to know what the bible says about you, so important! Also, be careful the words to speak over people and yourself. Words carry power. I remember in middle school, a girl used to call me fat “jokingly”, but I didn’t know how much I internalized what she said until I saw the effects years later(in addition to the same thing I spoke over myself). Be careful with your words, please.

Validation is a thing of the mind.

Sorry to break it to you, but the external validation you keep trying to attain is only going to make you miserable. The truth hurts, I know :(

We were made from God and for God. For God. Hence why our greatest validation can only come from the one who knows us. We think we know ourselves but we really don’t, lol. The only way to know who you are is in Christ. I’d like to make one thing clear though, validation in itself is not necessarily bad as we as humans need it to thrive, but it all comes down your why. What is your why?

God loves you so much!

There are so many verses in the bible that constantly remind us how special we are, but it’s up to you to believe it. Do you? Would you love to? It’s up to you. Please, never forget God’s love for you, it puts everything into perspective.

