Announcing FaithTech Institute’s Writing Contest

Technology is Making a World from the World God has Made

5 min readJun 30, 2020

We’re excited to announce FaithTech Institute’s first ever writing contest! We aim to spark innovation and integration between faith and technology, and to amplify voices we need to hear and ideas we need to talk about.


This year’s contest winners will win . . .

Your essay published in FaithTech Institute

A $25 Amazon gift card

A one-year digital subscription to MIT Technology Review or WIRED magazine

FaithTech’s Full Stack of Reading, including . . .

Three people will win. Ten runners-up will be published and win a one-year WIRED subscription.

What if my submission isn’t a winner or runner-up? Good question! We might still publish it! All submissions will be considered for publication on FaithTech Institute. In submitting your piece, you agree to have your essay considered by FaithTech’s editors for future publication.

Why a Writing Contest?

Wherever we find humans, we find technology — from making fire and inventing language to discovering electricity, texting, and TikTok. Indeed, from shovels to skyscrapers, civilization is a world of human-made objects.

Technology is what we make of the world, and it’s making something of us.

We know technology has the capacity for immense good but have also seen it do immense harm. How do we harness technology for our grandest visions while guarding against our sinful hearts?

As Christians, thinking about technology is no small endeavor. What does God have to do with light bulbs and smart speakers? Yet, wherever we find humans, we find the image of God. Indeed, everywhere you find Christianity, you find technology — from printed books to ornate cathedrals, from bread and wine to altars and big screens. The connections between faith and technology are endless.

We are both image-bearers and technology makers.

So what are we to make of our technology? And what is it making of us? We want your help exploring the world technology is making from the world God has made. We call it bridging the gap between faith and technology. And we believe it’s essential.

What are you exploring and discovering in the world of faith and technology?

We created this contest to give you a platform to share your insights with more people. We know you’re thinking deeply about it. These prizes should give you that extra little push!

Get writing! We can’t wait to hear from you!

What to Include

  • A well-researched or responsibly-reported piece
  • Clear and winsome prose
  • Analysis that incorporates biblical concepts
  • Arguments that demonstrate theological thinking
  • Well-organized and on topic

Winning entries will effectively bridge the gap between faith and technology. That’s FaithTech’s mission. For readers of your essay, your writing will spark innovation and integration between faith and technology.

What to Write About

Below are five themes you can write on! We’ve offered sample questions to spark your imagination. As long as your essay fits a theme, feel free to explore a question you’re passionate about!

1. Ways Technology is Shifting Culture

  • How has social media contributed to the rise of celebrity pastors?
  • How is Zoom affecting church culture? Work culture? Family culture?
  • Emojis help and hurt minority populations. How should the church address such technological effects?
  • What happens to nations when government leaders interact primarily through social media?
  • Social media has affected protests and national elections. How is it shaping church denominations?

2. Ethical Challenges Created by Emerging Technology

  • Can Christians use self-driving cars if they prevent accidents, save lives, and decide which kinds of people should die in a crash?
  • How should Christians think about ultrasound technology as it relates to prenatal complications?
  • What responsibility do Christians have to identify and address algorithmic bias in policing and legal proceedings?
  • What values are embedded in Artificial Intelligence, and how do they align with Christian virtues?

3. Ways Technology is Affecting Relationships

  • How does texting shape what friends do and don’t talk about, both in-person and apart?
  • How do job-related interactions change when you use Zoom versus in-person?
  • How has Twitter changed your thought patterns and how you relate to yourself?
  • How might listening to an audio Bible shape your relationship to God differently than reading a print Bible?
  • How is social media affecting what we want in our relationships?

4. Technology and Ministry

  • What new technology is serving God’s Kingdom, and what benefits and risks does it present?
  • Where have you experienced or witnessed technology being used in ministry that encountered some unexpected outcomes — positive or negative — as a result?
  • When has a technology impeded the purposes of ministry, how did you recognize it, and what did you do to fix it?

5. Intersection of Technology and Theology

  • How is transhumanism changing how we define the image of God in each person?
  • Why has church live-streaming challenged Communion beliefs and practices in churches?
  • In what ways could the Internet help us better understand the Trinity?
  • How does Christianity’s vision of the future compare with technology’s vision of the future?

Submissions: When, How, and What

Please send each entry as a separate email.

  1. DEADLINE: Email to by August 31, 2020.
  2. Your subject line: “FaithTech Writing Contest — [First and Last Name]”
  3. Format each essay separately as a typed, single-spaced document
  4. Name your document this way: Last name First name — Title
  5. Send your essay as a link or an attachment.
  6. Include your full name and a short bio in the email (50 words or less)
  7. Provide the total word count of your essay
  8. Tell us which theme you chose

The Details

  • All submissions should be between 700–1800 words, must honor FaithTech’s core values, and should be tailored to FaithTech’s mission: Bridging the gap between faith and technology.
  • You may submit more than one entry for consideration. We may publish more than one submission per person, but only one submission per person will be among the winners and runners up.
  • We can’t accept late submissions for the contest, but we will still consider them for publication!
  • All content should be original and not published elsewhere, unless you host a personal blog with fewer than 50 readers. Please let us know in your email if this is the case.
  • Co-authored essays are permitted.
  • A typed single-spaced document. Indented paragraphs.
  • Check spelling and grammar. Cite or link to any outside sources.
  • Your essay will be edited by FaithTech’s editors prior to publication and titles may be changed.
  • More questions? Ask

Submit Your Essay Here!

Email your essay to Please use the subject line: “FaithTech Writing Contest — [Your First and Last Name]”

Spread the Word!

Promote this contest on your social media or blog! Use the graphic below or contact for more info.

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