Internet and Society

Sunday Story: Should Apple comply? (video)

Internet and Society
Spring 2017
2 min readJul 11, 2016


Last year, the FBI announced that it had a locked cell phone used by one of the San Bernadino shooters. The FBI presented Apple with a court order directing Apple to create software that would unlock the shooter’s phone.

Conduct a video interview with someone over the age of 30.

Ask your interview subject:

Where do you come out on this issue? Do you think Apple should have complied with the court order to help law enforcement? Or do you think the federal government’s request was an overreach, and unlocking the phone represented a dangerous precedent?

Your finished (edited) video should:

  • be at least 45 seconds and no more than 120 seconds
  • be easy to hear and see (check to be sure!)
  • include at least two of the following (multiple edits, music, voice-over, title/credits, other on-screen text, original photos, captured photos, web video) — be thoughtful and deliberate in your editing choices

Upload your completed video by midnight Sun Feb 12 to our class Vimeo account (login: password cutandpaste).

Here are two articles that support Apple’s decision to resist the court order:

Here are two articles that support the argument that Apple should have complied with the court order:


Sunday Stories = 100 points

  • Completion = 40 points
  • Technical effort and complexity = up to 20 points
  • Entertainment value = up to 20 points
  • Evidence of higher order thinking = up to 20 points

Student work from previous semesters:

