Sun Sep 24

Sunday Story: Practicing higher order thinking with your digerati

Internet and Society
Spring 2017
2 min readJul 11, 2016


This is my daughter, Hallie.

This semester we are examining work from a select group of select public figures whose ideas and arguments have contributed to our understanding of how the internet is changing the way we live. In “Internet and Society” parlance, we call these folks “digerati”.

In class on Tuesday, each student in the class will select a “digerati” subject. For this Sunday Story your assignment is to begin an investigation of your assigned subject, select a portion of what you find and practice higher order thinking via an original story on Medium.

For this assignment, please identify one of your digerati’s ideas and/or arguments that you find compelling. Here are some places you can look to learn about your assigned Digerati:

  • the in-class reading and video for your Digerati lesson (link on Google Classroom)
  • your Digerati’s Twitter and/or Medium feed (see list on this Medium page, below)
  • your Digerati’s book (available on Google Books Play)
  • Wikipedia and/or author websites

Then, on Medium:

  • Codify your author’s idea/argument into a “guiding question”. What is the core idea that your digerati is presenting, and how can the idea be presented as a debatable idea? Share that guiding question on Medium as a formatted headline.
  • Underneath the guiding question, share your selected digerati prose using the Quote formatting tool (copy and paste if you can, otherwise you’ll have to retype).
  • Then share your own critical response to the guiding question (minimum length: 250 words).
  • Include at least one image, video and/or Tweet (use embed tool <>) in your response. Be creative!

Student work from previous semesters (responding to a slightly different prompt):

