Progress update

Nov. 7, 2020 (11.1.2020–11.7.2020)

This week we continue to build the backbones of our designs by organizing our design plans with different diagrams and visualizations

Comparative Analysis

From last week’s comparative research on the existing apps that utilize crowdsourcing, we created a matrix of the comparative analysis. We compared Google Maps, NextDoor, AcessNow, Be My Eyes, and Blindways. We looked at if those apps have an option to skip the commitment (join/sign in), an introduction to the app, notification feature, and if it is built for multi-purpose with multiple layers of functionality or is built for the main task.

Few takeaways:

  • NextDoor and Be My Eyes require the user to sign up or log in to start using the app, which makes it difficult for the users to explore without too much commitment
  • AccessNow, Be My Eyes, and Blindways are built for one main task, and they provide an introduction to the app, about its mission, purpose, and/or tasks.
  • Our app will have a main purpose/task to share the insights of the community, and will provide an introduction to the app.

User Flow

To better guide our design of the application, we created a site map to understand the user flow better. This sitemap will help to inform our designs of the screen better, and as we move forward, we’ll continue to iterate and adjust the sitemap too.

Next Steps

By the end of the week, we aim to have:

  • Settled screens of the app in mid-fi forms (after several round of low-fi throughout the week)
  • Have a few versions for the visuals

