
a mapping of thoughts

mel foley
Fall: a dedication to changing colors
1 min readJan 3, 2014


You are who I think about when I am drunk

You are who Ithink about when I cannot fall asleep

You are who I think about when I am in the shower

You are all I think about

You have encompassed my mind

You must have found your way through my blood lines

for every vein comes from an artery

& every artery is attached to the heart

You must have snuck your way in there when I was too busy thinking about

You must have planned it carefully

engineered every detail

plotted the perfect time for Your breaking and entering

it was like grand theft

I’m surprised You didn’t get caught

You must have practiced

for this was the perfect crime

I would lock You in handcuffs if Ididn’t want You to hold me so bad

I would put You behind bars only to ensure You were mine

at least for the time being

until I knew I was safe

You’ve infiltrated my thoughts

I think You know it too

You know exactly how to hack into my daydreams

You know every password to unlock my guarded walls

every cheat code to the next level of us

You pull on my dream strings every night

You pull harder and harder until I don’t want to wake up

because they say when you dream of someone, it is because they are thinking about You too

