If Your Phone Isn’t Ringing, Call Yourself

How to create opportunities where none exist

Felicia C. Sullivan
Falling Into Freelancing


Licensed from Adobe Stock // JenkoAtaman

Many people are successful not because they’re talented, but because they’re connected. Maybe they cozied up to the “right” people. Perhaps they formed a syndicate of strivers because there’s strength in numbers. Or possibly it’s because they’re conventionally attractive: white, young, thin, and upwardly mobile with minor exceptions. And while a lot of people talk big about how woke they are, they secretly want to be near pretty people.

Being connected is mythical in the way it kicks down doors that were once bolted shut. Invitations become an inbox tsunami. Everyone’s wielding knives, primed for a piece of you. They publish you because your name means something. They invite you to speak because your numbers mean something. They collaborate with you because partnering with you means something. People who trampled all over your face now want to know you because they believe proximity will shower them with your sheen. You have zeroes after every number society tells you that counts — followers, clicks, bank accounts.

But let’s not mince words here — just because someone is a known commodity doesn’t mean they’re exceptional. They’re not better, smarter, or cuter than you. You could be doing all the right things — showing up consistently to do the…



Felicia C. Sullivan
Falling Into Freelancing

Marketing Exec/Author. I build brands & tell stories. Hire me: t.ly/bEnd7 My Substack: https://feliciacsullivan.substack.com/ Brand & Content eBooks: t.ly/ZP5v