“You’re Lucky You Look Young” (As Opposed to What — Dead?)

Why I’ll never return to full-time: the rampant & unapologetic ageism.

Felicia C. Sullivan
Falling Into Freelancing
7 min readJul 26, 2021


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Welcome to America, where experience is traded in for cheaper salaries and smooth, wrinkle-free skin. Where 63% of people over the age of 45 have been unemployed for more than a year versus 36% of those aged 18–24. Yet, we outperform them. Where…



Felicia C. Sullivan
Falling Into Freelancing

Marketing Exec/Author. I build brands & tell stories. Hire me: t.ly/bEnd7 My Substack: https://feliciacsullivan.substack.com/ Brand & Content eBooks: t.ly/ZP5v