Pressed Against You

Ruby Stephens
Published in
2 min readSep 19, 2020

Poetry: Freeform Friday

Photo by Alejandra Quiroz on Unsplash

You pull me into you.
Right where I was made to be.
Leaning against you,
warm and safe…
protected from the cool night air.
You bend down and kiss my forehead
and press yourself against me.

(And for a moment I freeze time…
you aren’t meant to be mine.
So why did the world send you to me?
To show me what I cannot have?
To make me FEEL —
…so that it will hurt when stripped away?

What if no one ever compares to you.
And I either have to settle,
like before…
or give up and be alone.)

Your arms around me,
you rub my back.
You look me in the eye
like no one else ever has.
And see me.
And I can see you, too.
When your hands move the
hair from my face,
so gentle….

(and I melt)

I melt right through your fingers
and down
the cracks
in the driveway
into the sewers

(what if this is where I belong?)

You whistle on your way home.
Each note a second closer
to forgetting me.

And you slip into your warmed bed.

right where
were made to be.

I want you smiling.
I want you happy.
I just wish the cause was



Ruby Stephens

Lost in poetry, living for words, and looking for balance. I believe that the future can be beautiful even if the past is painful. Together is the only way.