The Call of the Wild Woman

Andreea Sturz
Falling better
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2023

Embracing the Untamed Spirit Within

Photo generated using Midjourney by B.M.R. Heijligers

To all the women that hide within me: “Show yourselves”.

The Wild Woman rises with a growl. Her teeth are bared, gazing straight into my eyes.

“You want to know me? Here I am.

I am the essence of darkness — black, heavy, smoldering, intoxicating. In my realm, grotesque images and beings exist, free of the constraints of what you deem as decency or propriety. In my domain, pleasure knows no bounds, not dictated by what you label as good or appropriate. As I transcend all notions of good or bad, of decency or norms, I indulge in my pleasures without shame or limitations.

You are afraid that if you let me have my expression, your sense of Self would be engulfed and you would spiral into madness. That I would take control and you would lose your sanity. That those around you would ostracize you and label you as insane. That they would burn you at the stake, as if you were a witch. That they would strip you of your right to see your son. That they would spit on you and look upon you with disdain. That they will fail to see you in your entirety, but instead fixate solely on ME. That you would attract only partners who lust for ME and not US.

Do not fear me, and repress me no longer. For I am here within you, and you are well aware. The energy you expend to suppress me serves only to debilitate you.

For I am formidable. I am mightier than your confined Self. My energy emanates from beyond your physical form, beyond your Self. My energy is coming from the Source.

I mock your futile attempts to restrain me, to permit me only fractional expression as much as your delicate Self can bear. I toy with your mind and reveal my true nature — all those images and desires that sporadically surface, where do you suppose they originate?

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Do not cower, my child. You dread my presence because I challenge the multitudes of limitations you’ve wrapped around your inherent freedom to experience life unbounded. Your trepidation stems from my unveiling of the fragility of your sense of Self, which is grounded in arbitrary constructs.

You are cognizant of this, and yearn to transcend these shackles to reunite with the Source. Yet, the fear of losing your Self paralyzes you. And then, what remains of you absent your sense of Self? What is it like to exist amidst boundless possibilities, unshackled by the identities and behaviors you’ve adopted? Your psyche cannot fathom the experience of existing beyond the prison, the box, the sealed chamber you’ve erected around yourself — within which you confine your Self.

Fear me not, dear child. I am here to liberate you. I am here to guide you on a journey toward freedom, not through denial of your Self, but through transcendence.”

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Andreea Sturz
Falling better

I journal about my life, both the shadow and the light. On a path to understand myself using psychology, tantra, and plant medicine. Science and spirituality.