Submit to Falls Reviews!

The Guidelines

Benjamin Wollmuth
Falls Reviews
3 min readApr 24, 2023


Welcome to Falls Reviews, a new Medium publication meant to give writers a place where they can express their interests and passions to a wide variety of readers. As the title suggests, this is a review-focused publication, yet that can mean many different things.

If you:

  1. Write reviews on anything pop culture (movies, shows, games, books, music)…
  2. Write opinion pieces/essays that dig deep into a specific piece of pop culture…
  3. Write ranked lists that cover a wide variety of mediums…

…then we want to publish your work!

While we are centered around the Sioux Falls, South Dakota area, we are willing and wanting to publish works by anyone looking for a place to get their work seen. We also want to allow for the most creative expression possible, but that doesn’t mean you can say anything you want. If you want to be published here, your articles will need to follow a few of our guidelines:

  1. No attacking others. Because we support creative expression, we want to give you the opportunity to write how you usually would. We have no issues with foul language (swear away), but if your article contains material that appears to be negatively targeting a specific group of people — take racial slurs as an example — the likelihood of us publishing it is very, very slim.
  2. No nonsense. If your article lacks direction, readers will most likely have a hard time following it. Write with purpose, even if it's for something as simple as entertainment.
  3. No errors. Online grammar tools make it extremely easy to avoid spelling and grammar mistakes. If we see a small mistake somewhere, we won’t turn you away, but we may ask you to change a few things before we can publish it.
  4. No unoriginality. If you submit an article about a topic already covered on Falls Reviews, we probably won’t publish it unless it features a different point of view from the original article. In other words, stay up to date with what is published. Not only will you know what has already been covered, but you will also be supporting other writers in the process :)
  5. Relevancy doesn’t matter here. If you want to talk about a movie that came out in the 1930s, go right ahead. If you want to review a book that came out five years ago, feel free. If you want to critique a brand-new video game few gamers have gotten their hands on, no one will stop you. You don’t need to write about new things to be a relevant writer: you just have to be a good one.

If you are hesitant to send something to Falls Reviews, my advice is to just do it. If we have an issue with it, we will let you know so you can make the correct changes.

How To Submit to Falls Reviews

  1. First, you need to write your article. You can only submit when you have a finished, ready-to-publish draft.
  2. You need to be added to the publication before you can publish willy-nilly. Email your draft to, and if it fits within our guidelines, you will be added as a writer.
  3. Once you are added as a writer, head back to your draft
  4. Click on the three dots next to “Publish”
  5. Select “Add to Publication”
  6. Select “Falls Reviews”
  7. Click “Submit”
  8. Unless your article does not fit within our guidelines, you are good to go!

Our goal here at Falls Reviews is to cultivate a community where writers can not only share their thoughts on a wide variety of topics but can also communicate with one another. Even if you choose not to submit an article to this publication, we hope you consider subscribing and staying up-to-date with what we publish.

Thank you for checking out Falls Reviews, and we hope to see your submissions soon!



Benjamin Wollmuth
Falls Reviews

I read, I play video games, I watch movies, I work in a library... what more do you want from me?