Fam Bam Bonanza Writing Submissions
3 min readJan 5, 2018


Fanfiction: “The Phone Call”

by Molly Wilson

The Phone Call

by Molly Wilson

(Author’s note: This takes place right after episode Josh Is Irrelevant)

Rebecca laid on her bed backwards with her feet hovering above her pillows, swiftly moving in the air as she kicked them. She was on her stomach, swiping through different websites on her smartphone. Lying beside her was the gator Nathaniel was sweet enough to drop off to her, along with some roses she put in a vase on her nightstand.

“Wait why did he have this?” Rebecca asked out loud. A second after a familiar ring played and a familiar face appeared on her phone screen. She let out a small gasp, swiping her phone and putting it up to her ear.

“Greg,” she said in a high pitched tone.

“Hey Rebecca,” her ex boyfriend said.

“Hey! We haven’t talked in forever. How have you been? Your dad told me you have a new girlfriend, that’s amazing, that’s awesome!”

“Yeah, her names Celeste, She’s great,” Greg said as cheerfully as the cynic could manage, “you talked to my dad?”

Rebecca held her hand over her mouth, her eyes bulging, she hesitated to speak, “uhh briefly,” she lied.

There’s a sigh on the other end of the phone. Rebecca frowned. “Listen…I heard what happened.”

Rebecca’s eyes widened further. Her lip quivered. “…you heard…”

“How are you feeling? Are you okay?” There was genuine concern in his voice.

“What? Oh… Oh this is is about the…s….the pills …pills I took”

“Are you doing better?” Greg asked.

“Um yeah a lot better actually.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” Greg said honestly. “I’m really glad you’re okay.”

Rebecca smiled, “Thank you.”

“And the thing with Josh, and the wedding,” Greg started, “I want you to know that wasn’t your fault. He’s always had issues with commitment, don’t blame yours-”

“Actually,” Rebecca cut him off, “None of this was about Josh. It was never about Josh. I thought I moved here for him but all I ever wanted was happiness. I’m trying to find that now.”

“That’s good to hear,” Greg said, “And sorry I didn’t come. I figured you guys would want me to stay away.”

“I invited you for a reason,” Rebecca said.

“Would’ve been weird,” Greg added.

“Would’ve been nice to see you,” Rebecca said sweetly. She smiled as Greg chuckled over the phone. Then her face fell a bit. “Greg…when you were here…there was times I …was a bit-”


Rebecca rolled her eyes, “sporadic, I was going to say sporadic,”

“Right,” Greg said.

“This doctor at the hospital I was staying in said they think I have …borderline personality disorder …and that can cause some irrational behavior in people. And that doesn’t excuse anything I’ve done to you but I just want to say-”

“Rebecca it’s fine.”

“It’s not fine.”

“It is, it really is. You and I, that was a shit show,” Greg said, Rebecca laughed, “but I don’t regret any of it, even if it was not always great. I told you that, I meant it.”

“Thanks Greg,” Rebecca smiled,. “So what about you, how are you? Still sober?”

“Yeah actually.”

“That’s good,” Rebecca nodded, she scrunched up her nose while she smiled, “Take care of yourself.”

Greg laughed “You too Bunch,” he said, “And If you need anything, just give me a call.”

“I will,” Rebecca said, “and sorry about the thing with your dad.”

“What thing with my dad?”

“I have to go, bye!” Rebecca hung up. She lightly ran her fingers over her phone screen, a smile tugging at the corner of her lips. Her heart has been filled by the people in her life since this whole thing started. They really do love her. There really was love in her life.



Fam Bam Bonanza Writing Submissions

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