Looking back at the lovies

Leonie Jonk
Familie van Fonk
Published in
2 min readApr 28, 2017


Our small team sent an even smaller delegation to London on October 26th to celebrate our project Kleine Stapjes winning 2 golden Lovie awards in the categories Best Family & Kids (apps) as well as Best User Experience (apps). We were incredibly proud and honoured to be able to get a chance to show the community our beautiful project. But even more than that, we were nervous for our moment on stage to try and ask for donations on behalf of the Dutch Down’s Syndrome Foundation so that we can continue the project and bring this method to more families all over Europe.

When we arrived at the venue bright and early, we were the first guests in, we soon found we’d become (in)famous with the organisation due to our incessant campaigning to appear on stage. (sorry Lovie people!)

After a bit of a wait the show started. It was hosted by the hilarious Mark Watson and the three of us waited patiently for our moment to sneak out of the room and be on stage. Our infamy became more apparent when Mark Watson announced us as the “company who couldn’t be denied because of their incredible campaigning”. With a big smile on our faces we all trotted out on stage and Astrid took the mic.

Our Declaration of Lovie Speech

After the award ceremony we were overwhelmed with positive responses from everyone who attended. People who came up to us to say they thought it was an amazing project, to offer their help or just show their support and love. So here goes, once again: Thank you Lovies, For the chance to be on stage and try to get more funding for this project. For the oppertunity to meet so many amazing people. For all the love you’ve given us so far. Thank you so much!


It was great, thank you Lovie Awards 💖

Familie van Fonk maakt producten voor kinderen, familie en het onderwijs. Nieuwsgierig? Kom eens met ons praten of bekijk onze andere projecten.



Leonie Jonk
Familie van Fonk

Visual UI designerd & Illustrator | Loves Friendly UI design, Books, Cats, Emojis, & believes we can and should build a better wold through design.