I am Raising an Ordinary Child

Manish Jain
Families Learning Together Magazine


by Nikita Palresa, Pune

I am Raising an Ordinary Child…

Someone who knows that sometimes you have to wait for our turn…in the queue… for a dessert… for not everything is available right here, right now.

In the waiting, we have learnt to savour.

Someone who may not be aware of academics but who recognizes a sad heart and has learnt to sit by their side.

In the quiet, we have found solace.

Someone who has found peace in a piece of dough.. who rolls it, moulds it and thus goes her day.

In the everyday life, we have found treasures.

Someone who knows to include everyone and every being… if I forget, she will remind me to be kind to everyone of every kind.

In the inclusion, we have found closeness.

Someone who cries with all her heart and laughs the most beautiful laughs. Who also feels sad, frustrated and angry.

In feeling the feelings, we have found wholeness.

Someone who enjoys the silence as much as she enjoys her talks… who floats far off into the clouds and comes back to us to clarify her doubts.

In boredom, we have found creativity.

Someone who knows no lyrics but sings from the bottom of her heart… for music needs no words it comes from the soul.

In the gibberish, we have found our melodies.

Someone who will take her time for everything she will do.. because she is doing with her heart and mind and spirit too!

In the being, we have found our flow.

Someone who does not care whether she is first, second or last.. who cares when you are having a blast!

In the game (of life), we have found friendships (not competitions).

Someone who loves her food and potty too… because both are two sides of the same coin no!

In the normal, we have found profound happiness.

Someone who makes friends with babies and old people and everyone she meets… for life is but a bunch of stories we weave.

In the people, we have found stories and in the stories we have found life.

Someone who is unafraid and bold… who does not like to do as she is told.

In the assertive, we have found our true selves.

Someone who finds happiness in the simplest of things.. her greatest ambition is a cake she can binge.

In the simplicity, we have found everything.

I am Raising an Ordinary Child…

