Good-bye Maren Sanchez

Maren was murdered reportedly by Chris Plaskon on the day of the evening of her first prom.

Bonnie Russell
Family Court


Maren Sanchez was excited. It was Friday morning, April 2014, and her first prom, with boyfriend Jarrod Butts, was tonight. Maren wrote she was excited in a comment next to a picture she posted of her gown on the Prom section of Milford’s Jonathan Law High School Facebook page.

Maren Sanchez, National Honor Society member, manager of the swim team and class president of freshman and sophomore year. She also sang.

Maren’s mother might bury her in that prom dress.

At 7:15a.m. on April 25, Chris Plaskon approached Maren, asking if she would go to the prom with him.

Contrary to earlier reports, they had not dated. She was going to attend the prom with boyfriend, Jarrod Butts.

However, when Maren declined Plaskon’s invitation, he didn’t immediately slash her throat. First he reportedly choked her. Then threw her down a flight of stairs. Maren fought back, but then Plaskon slashed her throat.

With a kitchen knife he allegedly brought from home.

Friends and staff rushed to assist the mortally wounded Maren. However, by 7:43a.m., Maren Sanchez, National Honor Student, Key Club singer, swim team manager, former president of her freshman and sophomore class, and all-around popular student, was dead.

Jarrod Butts tweets will break your heart.

Jarrod Butts, a really heart-broken, good guy.

The prom will be rescheduled.

The funeral will be massively attended by family, friends and a largely determinedly, clueless media.

Maren Sanchez, having fun

Thus people will continue wringing their hands, still not quite grasping America’s long misogynistic history remains fully intact.

Intact at the Congressional, and state and county level.

I’m sorry Maren. I’ve tried for years to get reporters to cover men treating women as disposable. However, excluding election years, reporters continue ignoring how unsafe women in America are.

Including women reporters.

Including, jurors.

In that regard, San Diego seems to enjoy an alternate reality. San Diegan Kendra Beebe was stabbed 23 times by Shelly Malil, her former actor boyfriend.

Amazingly, Kendra survived.

Yet during Shelley Malil’s trial for attempted murder, a female San Diego juror wrote the attack might be “karma” which she believed in, because Kendra sometimes smoked pot and made other lifestyle choices the woman juror did not approve. This juror sent a note to the judge stating as much,

“I have concerns about whether I can be fair and impartial in this case. I am not able to separate myself from my personal beliefs as I thought I would. I believe in karma and believe that the victim deserved this because of her immoral lifestyle. I know that this is not fair to her but I cannot be objective because of this. I am hoping to talk to the judge privately about this.”

What kind of woman would write such a note? That’s the scariest part of all.

The juror was identified as a senior at UCSD majoring in pre-medicine and psychology.



Bonnie Russell
Family Court

In the mix, then mixing it up for social justice. Work hard, play hard. Love to sail. Legal innovator, movie collaborator, producer. Always ready for fun. : )