The Key to Behavioral Change

Anie Thompson Licklider
Family & Kids Blog


Hi I’m back! I am going to give you one key to successful behavior intervention and modification. You ready? CONSISTENCY! Yes I said that word no one wants to hear. It has such a bad rap. Consistency! It is a hard thing to practice. You are usually right in the middle of something that just has to get done when that moment happens where you need to intervene. The problem with behavior intervention for change is that it needs to happen immediately. You cannot let it slide. If you let it slide once, the next time it is so much harder and the behavior just gets worse. We as parents have all experienced this. Remember that stubborn crying episode at the store last week when you let one slide? I still remember ours and it was thirty years ago. Being consistent is so hard. It needs to become a habit, a routine, a conscious thought and a mindful decision. And guess what? It works.

Why is consistency important? It is the crux of developing any good habit. You learn more effectively with consistent practice. Consistency is staying on course, continuing over and over again for as long as it takes. It may seem like this is all you are doing for awhile but in the end you will have more time to play rather than referee.

Consistency is a major part of a healthy lifestyle especially for kids. Most young and school age children have a bedtime around 8 pm, They get up around 6:30 to get ready for school. They have a consistent routine. Sleeping, eating and studying are all a consistent routine. Developing a consistent routine for behavior change is also consistent with a healthy lifestyle. Our peace of mind and mental health will remain intact with all this wonderful consistency when our children are not constantly fighting, crying, screaming, not doing homework or refusing to do their chores. Behavior intervention and modification programs such as PopChart can help your house become a peaceful home of enjoyment and relaxation once again. Consistency can help take you there. It is one of the key elements in producing positive change.

About the Author

Anita Licklider has a MS in Educational Management, credentials in special education, general education, counseling and School Psychology. She has over thirty years of experience working with children in and outside the educational setting.

She has done individual and group counseling with kids from 4 years to 16 years old.

Anita also developed and implemented behavior intervention plans for special education and general education students and families. She advocated for kids writing IEP and 504 plans for the school districts.

Anita has also taught in special education, general education (most grade levels), she was the special education director and director of student services.

Anita has worked with at-risk kids for over 20 years!

