Are You A Good Enough Parent?

Maybe perfect parenting isn’t what children need.

Laura Fox
Family Matters


Photo by Isaac Quesada on Unsplash

I was the child of unloving parents. When the time came for me to have a child of my own, I promised myself I would be the parent I never had. I was so determined to break the cycle that I didn’t realize just how high the standards were I had set for myself. I wanted to be a perfect mother with a perfect relationship with my child. Anything less would mean I had failed.

I developed postpartum depression after the birth of my daughter. My perfectionism had driven me to self-hatred and I became convinced my daughter would be better off without me. I wasn’t the mother I set out to be. Despite this, I was a Good Enough Parent. Little did I know, this is exactly what my daughter needed.

The term Good Enough Parent was first coined by child psychologist and pediatrician Donald Winnicott. He believed that the ingredients for a good parent included responding to the infant with sensitivity, and allowing the infant to be appropriately dependent, and increase independence over a period of time. The concept of Good Enough Parenting isn’t about there being a right way of parenting. In fact, it’s about how there is no right way to parent and parenting can take many forms and still be good enough.



Laura Fox
Family Matters

I write to heal myself and others. Instagram: @laure_e_fox_