Being a Parent Is Hard, but Being an Unloved Child Is Harder

Why “your parents did the best they could” isn’t always comforting things to hear.

Laura Fox
Family Matters


Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

“Being a parent is really hard.”

My heart sank as I read my father’s words. We had been estranged for years when I received a handwritten letter from him. Littered amongst the apologies were several justifications for his mistreatment of me. All of them came under the theme of parenting is hard and I will understand that now I have my own child.

He’s right. Parenting is hard. I often feel I am not cut out for it. Sometimes I feel resentful and miss my old life when I could pee without an audience and eat a meal without little hands creeping across my plate to squeals of “Ooo yummy! Can I have this?”. Sometimes I feel really angry. Sometimes I feel very alone. Most of the time I have a nagging feeling of “I have no idea what I am doing.”

But never, for one second, have I felt that is my child’s problem.

Never, for one second, have I felt the urge to tear down my daughter.

And never, ever, not even for one second, have I wished she was someone else.



Laura Fox
Family Matters

I write to heal myself and others. Instagram: @laure_e_fox_