Being A Stay At Home Mom Isn’t For Me

My mental health has suffered by staying home

Jessica Smith
Family Matters


Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

Motherhood has been a lonely place for me. I’ve been a work from home/stay at home mom for seven years now. I know I should love it but I do not. It is not at all what I thought it would be.

Growing up, this is what I wanted to do. I wanted to be a mom and stay home to make banana bread and do crafts. I didn’t factor in the fact that this would get really boring and lonely.

I am not “Jessica”, I am “Mom” aka the keeper of the house.

Nobody really knows me as “me”. I am just here to take care of things and make sure the ship stays afloat.

I gave up my wants and needs when I had children

It happens, you lose your sense of self when you are attending to their needs 24/7. Sometimes you don’t even remember who you were before having kids.

I’m lonely. Really lonely. The only adult interaction I have is with my spouse and people online. While that is better than nothing, it’s not enough. I want to feel like I serve a purpose and this isn’t fulfilling enough at this point.

Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful that I had to option to stay home with my kids. I am glad I…



Jessica Smith
Family Matters

Writer and mother. I write about whatever pops into my head. Relationships, Self, Mental Health, Parenting, Whatever.