Don’t Bore The Pants Off People Talking About Your Pregnancy and Your Kid(s)

Even if they ask, keep it short and sweet.

Jean Shortall-Roznik
Family Matters


Most children are sorta cute. ESPECIALLY as seen through the eyes of their parents and immediate family members.

As seen through others’ eyes?

Hmmm… Some people might go along with cute, while others might have different descriptors in mind. Like annoying, loud, and demanding.

The adjectives your children elicit are one thing. More concerning, in my opinion, is that childless friends and co-workers may see them as the subject matter of excruciatingly boring conversations.

My son is young and single. Before changing jobs last year he worked with two recently married women who are both planning to have children.

“How do you know they want kids?” I asked.
“Because they’ve been talking about it.”
“OK,” I said, “you might want to start looking for a new position.”

I was joking but my son’s words took me back to my first job.

I worked in a small Irish hospital as a physical therapist surrounded by nurses and other co-workers of childbearing age. Everywhere I turned someone was pregnant and eager to talk about her morning…



Jean Shortall-Roznik
Family Matters

Tri-citizen: Ireland, Canada, US. Mother, physical therapist, environmentalist, contrarian. Washington Post, Globe and Mail, Charlotte Observer, NPR.