Home Sweet Home Writing Prompt December 2020

What’s the greatest gift you have received from your family?

Laura Fox
Family Matters


Photo by Rob Laughter on Unsplash

With the holidays fast approaching, gifts are on a lot of our minds. What are we going to buy our family members? Are we going to be able to get everything purchased and wrapped in time? What if they don’t like their presents?

This month's prompt encourages you to pause and reflect on the greatest gift your family has given you. This can be a literal gift, such as a time a family member knew you so well they bought you the perfect present. You could also interpret this in a different way and it doesn’t necessarily have to be related to the holiday season. Maybe you were gifted an important life lesson. Maybe you found an unexpected gift in a painful experience. Or maybe you are a parent and have sentimental stories about gifts your children have made for you.

Whatever your story, we want to hear it.

There is no right or wrong answer to this prompt. As long as it’s your truth, that’s what matters. Home Sweet Home is always a safe place to share your perspectives on family and parenting.


  • Your piece needs to be a minimum of 800 words.
  • Poetry is not accepted.
  • It must be written for the…



Laura Fox
Family Matters

I write to heal myself and others. Instagram: @laure_e_fox_